Kawasakie ar125

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tim, May 21, 2004.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    anyone know the torque settings for the 4 head bolts on this watercooled
    Tim, May 21, 2004
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  2. Tim

    Petel Guest

    As no-one has replied I would (on past experience) suggest a starting point
    of 8ftlb.

    This means you`d need a low poundage torque wrench and it needs to be
    calibrated correctly and up to date as the spring stretches with use and the
    std. cheapo jobs from motor factors rarely go below 20ftlb.

    Use a stubby ratchet and pinch it up in a diagonal fashion across the head
    then give it no more than a quarter turn more on each nut.If it leaks go
    around again another quarter turn on each nut.

    HTH. and without exact figures I can`t help anymore.

    Petel .
    02 M2 Buell.

    Petel, May 22, 2004
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