Kawasaki vs. Yamaha?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    I just wonder...i've had Yamaha Fazer (2004), but i totaled it, so, i'm
    planning to get a new bike...
    Now it's new Kawaski Z750S out, and as i'm told, it's better than Fazer,
    while price is about the same.
    What do you guys think?

    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
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  2. SleeperMan

    wessie Guest

    SleeperMan emerged from their own little world to say
    For crashing, you need a Bandit.
    wessie, Oct 13, 2004
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  3. SleeperMan

    Stonge Guest

    Stick to a push-bike, until you've build up enough skill to stay on
    something like a C90, then progress to a CB250 for a while. I don't suggest
    you ever progress past a 500cc though. Sorry.
    Stonge, Oct 13, 2004
  4. SleeperMan

    Muck Guest

    Bindits are also good for ditch surfing.
    Muck, Oct 13, 2004
  5. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    well, it wasn't my mistake...son of a bitch drove in front of me...
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  6. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    aha...i'll think about it...
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  7. SleeperMan

    dwb Guest

    Umm... I haven't ridden/rode/whatever either, but my brain struggles to
    understand how the 750cc Kwak is going to be 'better' than the Fazor.

    Better at what - going slower?
    dwb, Oct 13, 2004
  8. SleeperMan

    Porl Guest

    Porl, Oct 13, 2004
  9. SleeperMan

    dwb Guest

    Yes yes - we have ascertained I made an assumption.

    Oi, OP - are you talking about the Fazor 600 or the Fazor 1000?
    dwb, Oct 13, 2004
  10. SleeperMan

    Steve P Guest

    Hmm my first impression was that the OP meant a Fazer600. I'm not sure
    but I'd bet the Kwak is quicker.

    The bloke in Ride who's got a Z750 said that the suspension was pretty
    poor and ISTR he'd replaced the rear shock. Other than that looks a nice
    bike. Not so keen on the new Fazer but it's meant to be a pretty good bike.
    Steve P, Oct 13, 2004
  11. SleeperMan

    Ginge Guest

    The Z750 is the sleeved down Z1000, and makes 110 BHP.

    Essentially it's a ZX9R engine with a narrower bore in a fazer style
    Ginge, Oct 13, 2004
  12. SleeperMan

    Ginge Guest

    neither, it's a Faz_e_r.
    Ginge, Oct 13, 2004
  13. SleeperMan

    dwb Guest

    dwb, Oct 13, 2004
  14. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  15. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    I mean fazer 600 it has 98 hp, while kawa has 110, but torque data is more
    interesting... according to akrapovic testing, fazer has only 60 Nm, while
    Kawa has about 163 Nm!!! Imagine that... i don't mind if one goes 240 and
    one 220, i don't intend to go that fast anyway...important is how it behaves
    on the road...and here people say that Kawa is better...
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  16. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    Well, since i have only just over 55 kg, i think suspension is not of a
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  17. SleeperMan

    Molly Guest

    I had a loan of a Z750 while my Gixxer was ill. I loved it.
    Molly, Oct 13, 2004
  18. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    From i know, Z750 is almost identical as Z750S - latter is just some more
    plastics differently shaped.
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
  19. SleeperMan

    Ginge Guest

    Ginge, Oct 13, 2004
  20. SleeperMan

    SleeperMan Guest

    Yep. One thing i think it's better on Kawa is analog meters. When i drove my
    fazer in strong sun, i couldn't see RPM, so i was driving on blind...it does
    however have digital for important stuff, like trip, fuel gauge, temp etc.
    SleeperMan, Oct 13, 2004
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