I recently acquired a 1996 GPZ305 with just 6500 miles on the clock. It started first touch and ran beautifully for 600 or so miles, and then just died from about 7-8000 rpm, no warning, no pops bangs or unusual engine noises. I've got a nice fat blue spark to each plug, I've got fuel in the carburettor bowls and the plugs are wet after a few seconds on the starter. But nothing!! Compression is so tight, I can't move the bike without dragging the rear wheel. One thing I did try though, I turned it over first with the plugs connected, and then without. There was no difference in engine speed. I would have expected that big fat spark and fuel to have given some assistance. Am I losing that spark under compression, and if so, why? It also occurs to me that the fault must be common to both cylinders, since I would expect the engine to try to run on one cylinder Has anybody got any ideas? Gordon.