Kawasaki GPX250 (Ninja) any good for leaners bike??

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Simon, May 1, 2005.

  1. Simon

    Simon Guest

    Hi All

    I have just obtained my L's and have been looking at getting a GPX250.
    I am going to look at one on Wednesday it's a 2000 model with 18K on it.
    They want $4000 ono I am going to try for a little less with cash assuming
    it's all ok.
    I have a friend going with me who has been riding for ages.
    The guy selling it told me his wife mainly uses it to and from work so I
    don't think it's been flogged.

    I have also been looking at ZZR, CBR. The GPX seems a little lighter and a
    better riding position for a learner.
    Does anybody have any experience with this bike?

    The prices seems pretty good for the amount of K's it's done and model?
    Any comments???

    P.S I am 180cm tall and 70 KG


    Simon, May 1, 2005
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  2. Simon

    paul the 2nd Guest

    Suuurreee she looked after it but the 7 owners prior to her belted it like a
    red headed step child...ran it low on oil...didnt change the air
    filter....etc etc etc . If you are unsure get someone whom knows what they
    are looking at (big diff between someone whom has had a few bikes & someone
    whom can pick a dog)

    Oh...& i wouldnt buy a bike without doing a compression test on it.
    paul the 2nd, May 1, 2005
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  3. Simon

    Uncle Bully Guest

    GPX250 is probably the best learner bike there is. You should be able to get
    a decent one for $3k and it'll do everything the $6k bikes will do.
    As with any bike, take it to someone who knows bikes and can vouch that it's
    not a lemon.
    Uncle Bully, May 1, 2005
  4. Simon

    BT Humble Guest

    Don't listen to the stories the seller tells you, use of your own eyes
    and ears (and your mate's) will tell you if it's a good one.
    Why yes!


    (And 60,000km of other riding upon the same bike).
    It sounds reasonable. I've got a '98 that will be selling quite a bit
    cheaper soon, if you're not hung up on cosmetics (ie. nasty cresed-up
    dent in the tank).
    Ferchrissake eat a pie, man! Nobody's going to take you seriously as a
    bikie if you're that skinny! ;-)

    BT Humble, May 1, 2005
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