k1200s horn - c'est mort?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Jeremy, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Press button, no sound is emitted. Don't recall when it last worked but
    it would precede when I fitted my Tomtom...

    However the wiring was already in place for my previous garmin
    Streetpilot so fitting the TT was simply a case of unscrewing a block
    connector (one end of the BMW accessory lead) to remove the Garmin wires
    and poke in the TT wires and do the screws up again.

    There was a lot of spare wire with the TT (the battery and accesory lead
    are inside the (obviously fake) fuel tank) and I just coiled it up and
    shoved it into the space between the battery and the headstock - a snug
    fit - am wondering whether pushing these wires in may have dislodged a
    connecor for the horn but, removing all the TT wiring today to have a
    closer look, there appears to be little chance of that.

    Looked for the fuse box to see if that was the issue - then discovered
    there are no fuses, only circuit breakers that should reset themselves

    Before removing the fairing to get access to the horn I am seeking any
    suggestions for any obvious things to check.

    All other electrical items are working (and TT!).
    Jeremy, Apr 10, 2011
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  2. Jeremy

    wessie Guest

    Is the horn directly connected to the switch or via the CCB[1].

    If the former then diagnosis should be fairly simple. If the latter: good

    [1] cunting can bus
    wessie, Apr 10, 2011
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  3. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Haven't the foggiest. MOT time soon too.
    Jeremy, Apr 10, 2011
  4. Jeremy

    YTC#1 Guest

    Horn's are over rated.

    I've just ridden from Baton Rouge to Buenos Aeries without one :)
    YTC#1, Apr 12, 2011
  5. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    A convertible (top-down) 3 series pulled across my path on a roundabout
    near Farnham on Sunday - to let him know I was there I simply blipped
    the throttle with a little agression - which elicited an apology.

    So yeah, horn's (sic) are overrated.
    Jeremy, Apr 12, 2011
  6. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Called the BMW dealer for some advice. They can diagnose but suspect
    it's going to be faulty left hand switch unit - an eye-watering £150 +
    Jeremy, Apr 12, 2011
  7. Jeremy

    Krusty Guest

    I've got a 9v pushbike horn on the Fantic. Cost a few quid & is good
    enough for MOTs.
    Krusty, Apr 12, 2011
  8. Jeremy

    zymurgy Guest

    Just fit a Stebel Nautilus on it via a relay. £20, job done.

    That's if the horn switch is still operational. Have you dived in
    there with a multimeter to check ?

    zymurgy, Apr 12, 2011
  9. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    The advice from the BMW garage (and I understand there could be a
    commercial motiviation for this..) was not to atttempt any form of
    dismantling of the switch unit.
    Jeremy, Apr 13, 2011
  10. Jeremy

    SIRPip Guest

    That's probably due to a) the massive over-complexity and b) the only
    way in is with a hammer and bolster, leading to c) massive fallout of
    pingfuckits at speed.
    SIRPip, Apr 13, 2011
  11. Jeremy

    zymurgy Guest

    I understand that, but putting a multimeter probe on the horn contact
    at the horn end whilst pressing the horn switch won't need the
    dismantling of anything ..

    zymurgy, Apr 13, 2011
  12. Jeremy

    YTC#1 Guest

    I have employed the move along side and shout "BEEEEEEP" through the
    window technique.
    YTC#1, Apr 13, 2011
  13. Jeremy

    zymurgy Guest

    I take it from the lack of response you want me to pop over any put /
    my/ multimeter on it then :)

    zymurgy, Apr 14, 2011
  14. Jeremy

    Thomas Guest

    I use that same technique on foot in crowded stores.
    Thomas, Apr 14, 2011
  15. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Well I have a Tiger screen in the garage awaiting your attention...
    Jeremy, Apr 15, 2011
  16. Jeremy

    zymurgy Guest

    Fair enough, not sure if I have a current number for you, but I can
    pop over sometime this w/e.

    How you fixed Sunday early evening ?

    zymurgy, Apr 16, 2011
  17. Jeremy

    SIRPip Guest

    Heh. Multimeter - current number. Heh.
    SIRPip, Apr 16, 2011
  18. Jeremy

    zymurgy Guest

    Well, it was close but no cigar (you probably heard be ride past at
    6pm ish)

    Send me your address again, eh. [1]



    [1] It's saved in the zymurgy account, but since AOL took it over, the
    search facility on my zymurgy account has been bollxd. Best to mail it
    to the hotmail account I use for the French runs ..
    zymurgy, Apr 17, 2011
  19. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    Didn't see this, actually was enjoying the roads of Wales this weekend -
    fantastic weather for being out on the bike.
    Jeremy, Apr 18, 2011
  20. Jeremy

    Jeremy Guest

    You can email me on gmail account in the headers.

    My number is the new one I got in 1997.
    Jeremy, Apr 18, 2011
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