Press button, no sound is emitted. Don't recall when it last worked but it would precede when I fitted my Tomtom... However the wiring was already in place for my previous garmin Streetpilot so fitting the TT was simply a case of unscrewing a block connector (one end of the BMW accessory lead) to remove the Garmin wires and poke in the TT wires and do the screws up again. There was a lot of spare wire with the TT (the battery and accesory lead are inside the (obviously fake) fuel tank) and I just coiled it up and shoved it into the space between the battery and the headstock - a snug fit - am wondering whether pushing these wires in may have dislodged a connecor for the horn but, removing all the TT wiring today to have a closer look, there appears to be little chance of that. Looked for the fuse box to see if that was the issue - then discovered there are no fuses, only circuit breakers that should reset themselves automatically. Before removing the fairing to get access to the horn I am seeking any suggestions for any obvious things to check. All other electrical items are working (and TT!).