Looks a possible cheap winter commuter http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2444088920&category=9915#ebayphotohosting -- Steve Parry http://www.gwynfryn.co.uk http://wrexhamseals.tripod.com
I must admit to having eyed this one also, and only living 25 mins from Colchester am quite tempted (hopefully the dent in the tank will put off a lot of bidders, I don't care about dents just practicallity you should see my Skoda!). I will probably at least go and have a look... Any thoughts on these? As anyone reading my posts will have spotted, I know next to nothing about "modern" bikes, and not a great deal about older bikes truth be told! I have managed to get one of my machines on the road now however, just the other three left! Nick
Frinton Boy was seen penning the following ode to ... whatever: They're pretty much unbreakable when serviced on a regular basis. It doesn't appear to have ABS, so that's one less thing to worry about. Obviously all the usual used bike checks apply.
Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Timo Geusch ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Have you ever met a bloke called Timo?"
<snigger> -- Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that 0123456789112345678921234567893123456789412345678951234567896123456789712345 1 weebl: What's this? | in recognition of the fun that is weebl and bob 2 bob: it a SigRuler! | check out the weebl and bob archive: 3 weebl: How Handy! | http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/archives.php
Yes, having a browse round the Internet, all I seem to read are glowing reports (this is one of the "glowingest" http://www.mourneman.co.uk/motorbikes/bikes/bmw_k100rs/index.shtml). Which is nice... Onto price, he is upto £550 at the mo' but not met his reserve price. I would guess that anything under 1000 would be a reasonable buy (the more under the better!). Mind you having spoken to my wife she believes we should be buying an MPV, so I may have a battle on my hands here Nick
In be advised though he's talking of the 16 valve version ... ) -- Steve Parry http://www.gwynfryn.co.uk http://wrexhamseals.tripod.com
Quite. The 8v K100 has rather poor overworked brakes. The 16v has far better. The standard suspension is also poor but easily improved. The killer (for me) is undergearing, they need a 6th gear about 20% higher.
I have to say that it's a bit wierd cruising along on a K1100LT at *cough* mph with no turbulence and the engine bouncing off the limiter ;-)