As Sod's Law has it, after four years of not seeing a single dark blue K LT pannier on eBay anywhere, and just after I bought an ordinary mismatched used black one, a pair came up on Fleabay. This afternoon I've been replacing the bust footrest plate and pannier bracket. Coo, that's a task and a half. I naively thought it would just be a matter of unbolting the alloy plate, mounting the footpegs onto the replacement, and botling it back on. I didn't realise that all the rear brake gubbins (slave cylinder, pedal, switch, plumbing) is all bolted to the inside of the plate and has to be transferred as well. And there was one allen bolt that matched *nothing* in the BMW toolkit and *nothing* in my (extensive) toolkit. In the end, I found a Torx head that was exactly the right size, and used that. Still, it gave me a chance to sort out my tool box.