[QUOTE="Simian"] Justice is exactly about revenge.[/QUOTE] I'm sure some jurist wag somewhere once wrote that the criminal justice system is to revenge as the institution of marriage is to male sexual desire - it formalises, and brings some sense of order to an innate desire for something (righting a perceived wrong/propagating one's genes) while curbing its potential excesses (mob rule/mass rape). I can't find the reference though, as my copy of "the secret key to life" is at home. FWIW I object to the death penalty, but only because I believe that "beyond reasonable doubt" isn't a strong enough standard of proof to take someone's life. If there were a way of determining absolute proof of guilt or innocence (and DNA evidence isn't that), I'd be ambivalent, but I suspect the number of cases in a year where this level of certainty is even approached is vanishingly small - certainly not enough to warrant any cost-saving argument