Emily Olivia Mein was born today at 16:50 weighing 8lb 8oz and her and her mummy are fine.
Another bloody pom![1] Cheers Goaty 1. Just get her a bike quick! Cheers to the lot of you! -- _--_|\ John Lamp - in beautiful downtown Highton / \ IRC: DoD#:1906 Ulysses#:10185 Vulcan Nomad \_.--._/ http://www.gorider.cjb.net/ Phone: 0409 512 254 v mailto: Fax: 03 5227 2151 Hear no Evo, See no Evo, Fear no Evo
Congrats. It's a wonderful feeling. JL (although given you already have one I guess that's not telling you anything new)
but most of them come out the Other Side OK..... (thank goodness!) Congrtalations! Try to sleep while you can.... betty
Just had one hit 20 today! She seems to have survived![1] Cheers Goaty 1. The 20 she hit are another story! -- _--_|\ John Lamp - in beautiful downtown Highton / \ IRC: DoD#:1906 Ulysses#:10185 Vulcan Nomad \_.--._/ http://www.gorider.cjb.net/ Phone: 0409 512 254 v mailto: Fax: 03 5227 2151 Hear no Evo, See no Evo, Fear no Evo
You must have been a late starter Goaty, my youngest will be 38 in May. He was a serious problem still at 22, now complains about the life-style of his 20 year old employee. In two years his daughter will become a teenager. Hehehehe. Theo
how many did she hit yesterday ? bjt : bikerbetty wrote: : : > : > : >>congrads and enjoy : >> : >>those where the days : >>they soon become teenagers lololol : > : > : > but most of them come out the Other Side OK..... (thank goodness!) : : Just had one hit 20 today! She seems to have survived![1] : : Cheers : Goaty : 1. The 20 she hit are another story! : -- : _--_|\ John Lamp - in beautiful downtown Highton : / \ IRC: DoD#:1906 Ulysses#:10185 Vulcan Nomad : \_.--._/ http://www.gorider.cjb.net/ Phone: 0409 512 254 : v mailto: Fax: 03 5227 2151 : : Hear no Evo, See no Evo, Fear no Evo