Just heard at work

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Rattie, May 20, 2006.

  1. Rattie

    Rattie Guest

    Was speaking to a few of the camera people this morning, and
    discovered that dear old Mayor Ken is trying to push through a max
    40mph limit on all roads in Greater London currently limited over
    30mph (not counting the Motorways, 'cos he can't touch them!). So
    expect all the current NSL, 60 and 50 stretches to be gone soon. And
    guess what? Yup, he wants even more cameras out there to help enforce
    it. I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to get town limits dropped
    from 30 as well.

    Diddly squat to do with "Road Safety", and all to do with (a) his
    abiding hate of the internal combustion engine, and (b) increasing the
    money rolling in to the GLA.

    I can't stand that bloke, imho he's a little weasel.

    As an aside, the new digital cameras apparently have the ability to
    have the limit changed according to the time of day. For example one
    sited for a 20mph school enforcement will revert back to the usual 30
    after school's finished, at weekends, bank holidays etc.

    FWIW, I'm with those who believe that speed in and of itself does not
    constitute "dangerous". It all depends on the road conditions, skill
    of the rider/driver etc etc, therefore on a Motorway/NSL I'd most
    likely just treat you to some time honoured "Blah, blah", check the
    docs and away you go. Wheelie at speed through the local infant
    school "crocodile", however, and I tend to get a bit more keen to get
    the pen out. Yes, some idiot actually did it when I was only about
    50yds behind.. not as if I wasn't wearing enough fluoro to light up an
    airport or anything, and the bike isn't exactly a stealth machine!
    Rattie, May 20, 2006
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  2. Rattie

    Ali Hopkins Guest

    He was our MP for many years, and utterly useless, having kicked out the
    perfectly decent sitting MP. Which is what he did at the GLC. Wouldn't
    answer phone calls or letters, refused to help any locals, or attend the
    Commons. Had enough time to support the IRA though. Ken Livingstone still
    doesn't give a shit for anyone outside Zone 1, which is the only bit of
    London he recognises. I'd love to know how he justified £23K worth of cab
    fares to commute; tosser lives five minutes walk from the local station. Oh,
    and if you want to get to LHR for an early flight at the weekends forget it;
    more important to have an hour more at night for the West End trains.

    Ali Hopkins, May 20, 2006
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  3. Rattie wrote
    My hero he is. I'd vote for him if I lived in London.

    I have been wittering on for ages now about how the majority non bike
    traffic flow and stuff seems to have changed dramatically over the last
    couple of years. It seems to me that folks have become nicer and more
    inclined to just chug along at best speed rather than the continuos
    effort to lap the tail enders.

    Now, up until about two weeks ago I simply hadn't got a clue why this
    should be but whatever the cause it makes life on a bike an awful lot
    easier and a bit quicker so I am all in favour of it. Then I was
    talking about it and a mate of mine upped and said "yebbut as you are so
    fucking keen to keep rubbing in, you ain't got any points have you? Wait
    until you are one of the 19 out of 20 and see how it affects your
    driving. ****."

    A valid argument I thought and one that seems to stand up.

    However, it has made biking in an urbane environment a lot less
    hazardous and more fun as a result so I am fast become a closet
    supporter of Gatsos and if Ken wants more then fucking good luck to him
    I say, it works for me.
    steve auvache, May 20, 2006
  4. Rattie

    GungaDan Guest

    Rattie wrote:

    Well if you will keep voting for him...
    GungaDan, May 20, 2006
  5. Rattie

    JackH Guest

    He must get a bit confused when he goes home then, given he allegedly
    resides in Cricklewood.
    JackH, May 20, 2006
  6. Rattie

    Ali Hopkins Guest

    Yup, he lives about a mile away from me. I couold piss on his doorstep.
    Which makes it even odder, dunnit. But then, Brent isn't glamourous, nor is
    Ealing, or Harrow, or any of those. He won't get to play international
    statesman. <snort>

    Ali Hopkins, May 20, 2006
  7. Rattie

    Pip Guest

    ... except Number One.
    I'd pay to see that ;-)
    Pip, May 20, 2006
  8. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Rattie belched forth and ejected the following:
    Don't forget to give me a wave next time you're "towning" it :eek:)
    Whinging Courier, May 21, 2006
  9. In uk.rec.motorcycles, JackH belched forth and ejected the following:
    I live half way between Cricklewood and Willesden and I've never seen
    Whinging Courier, May 21, 2006
  10. In uk.rec.motorcycles, Pip belched forth and ejected the following:
    I went out with this bird once. We were walking back home when she said
    she needed a piss. She went into down the steps and into the basement of
    a house and proceeded to whip her trousers off, pull her knickers down
    and have a piss down the drain.

    I thought it was a bit off at the time but now it's giving me a
    stif^H^H^H warm feeling of nostalgia.
    Whinging Courier, May 21, 2006
  11. In uk.rec.motorcycles, steve auvache belched forth and ejected the
    I've still got a ban showing on my licence and I'll happily whizz along
    at 180mph.
    Whinging Courier, May 21, 2006
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