Just for Grins

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Took me a little ride around the area yesterday afternoon.. Aside from the
    lovely riding weather, just thought I'd visit a little bit.. Actually I was
    curious.. First stop was at McArthur and hwy 283.. Exxon convenience store
    and gas station..After I got the Big Green Machine parked, I eased into the
    convenience store and commenced a quick browse around, just lookin'..

    There were three clerks working and while I did my browsin', there were a
    couple of customers being waited on.. The communication problem was

    The next stop was a Shell convenience store and station at Beltline and
    Pioneer.. Same manuever and about the same conditions.. This time, however,
    there was only one clerk .. Same communication problem with customers..

    Then, I went to the Mobil store at Beltline and 183.. whew.. Would you
    believe there were the same three clones from the Exxon station, previously
    visited .. Yup.. Same problems though, communication with customers..
    However, I gotta admit.. one of those guys spoke perfect english..

    Exxon at Northgate and Beltline was considerably better.. Two clerks and
    both were Americans or appeared to be.. Not much business, however and they
    were holdovers from the full service facility that once did a lucrative
    business on that corner..

    In Grand Prairie, I ran into about the same elements who worked in those
    convenience stores and gas stations..

    Arlington was very similar.. I tried to stop in at least three facilities in
    each metroplex city.. On the swing around .. I stopped in Euless.. one store
    was staffed with people who spoke such broken english, that they were barely
    understandable ..

    This wasn't a blanket survey, by any means .. but, it was a good short ride
    on the Vulcan and I managed to do a little bit of riding.. while I satisfied
    my curiosity... With all the focus on our Immigration problems in America, I
    find it rather co-incidental that only the issues of Mexican immigration..
    legal and illegal.. are being addressed.. Can't seem to recall one Mexican
    being involved in the terrorist attacks on our country.. It is very
    interesting to notice that each of the visits to those facilities selling
    gas were staffed with people from India, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq.. hmmm...
    All from the areas where the animals who attacked us seemed to come from..

    Seems to me, if we intend to do something meaningful about our Immigration
    problem, we should be reviewing our policies regarding immigration from the
    countries who actually were involved in those attacks, rather than being so
    concerned about the neighbors to our south..

    Nothing in this commentary is indicative of any endorsement of illegal
    immigration from any country.. The demonstrations that are occuring across
    our land at this time, are causing alarm and are disturbing to many of us..
    They should not be happening.. But, they are.. and for the most part, they
    are being conducted by Mexican immigrants, legal and illegal.. Why are they
    being waged at this time ? What is the cause of all this protest ?

    One might get some inkling, if they carefully read and understand the
    legislation that is being debated by our politicos in Washington, DC.. That
    legislation that was initially proposed and voted through the House, was
    mainly punitive and directed toward the Mexicans and our southern borders..
    Granted, that border is and has always been porous with a consistent flow of
    illegals .. There has never been an incident of terrorist activity on that
    border.. No bombs being transported and no one connected with any of our
    known terrorist enemies have been apprehended.there..

    That is not the case along our norther boundary.. There have been several
    incidents over the past few years .. of explosives and bomb components being
    discovered when attempts were made to smuggle them across ..

    Illegal is illegal.. whether it is immigration or shop lifting.. It's been
    reported that we have something like 12 million illegal Mexicans in our
    country.. The perception that is being impressed on Americans, that the
    hordes are swarming across our borders in vast multitudes.. Then, on closer
    examination, those numbers seem to contradict .. Many of that 12 million
    have been in this country for more than 5 years.. working and raising

    Again.. if they didn't come here properly, they are illegal.. and should be
    dealt with accordingly.. While we are about that massive task, though..
    let's take it to a meaningful conclusion and examine how many middle east
    immigrants are living in our country.. Legal or Illegally, those immigrants
    made up the terrorists who attacked America.. Something else just occured to
    me.. the 911 hijackers were here with the blessings of our government.. Many
    of them were already under surveillance prior to the 911 attacks..

    Those lettuce pickers from Mexico don't pose much of a problem, when
    compared to the middle east immigrants who are attending flight schools
    without landing instruction.. Those guys out there on our construction
    sites, pouring and finishing concrete aren't much problem when compared to
    the middle eastern immigrants who are being funded by our government to buy
    out motels, convenience stores and the flourishing Dollar store businesses..

    Hey .. I all for fixing the Immigration problem in the United States.. let's
    get 'er done.. Being focused on fixing the Mexican immigration problem
    should not be a priority, though.. Even though they are the ones making the
    noise.. you will notice that none of the politicos are discussing a "fix"
    for the vast numbers of middle east immigrants living amongst us.. It would
    seem that after America was attacked by those very same legal immigrants,
    there would be a loud outcry to get a handle on the immigration from those
    troubled areas of the world.. wouldn't you ? Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Did it ? You must have missed the part where I rode around the metroplex,
    yesterday.. Last year, while I was in Phoenix, some guy from the middle east
    was being interviewed in front of his store.. He was praising our military
    and the work they are doing in his native country.. guess where ? Iraq..
    That dude talked about patriotism and really threw in all the buzz words
    that we are hearing every day..

    When I asked him why Americans were over there fighting in his country, for
    all the things he was screaming about.. why he wasn't in his own country
    doing all that good stuff, that dude got real defensive... Some of the
    spectators made some comments about me being "un-american" and such.. ****
    that... that big son of a bitch was somewhere just under forty years old .
    Every one of those bastards should be shipped back to Iraq and put in
    Why aren't we hearing about these immigration problems ? Why are Americans
    tolerating immigration policies that favor certain nations while they take
    dead aim on one of our two adjacent neighbors.. Next time I go into a
    convenience store, I'd like to be greeted by someone who can at least speak
    a language that I'm familiar with..

    Complaints about native attire have not addressed the sari's and turbans..
    Those were the ones that attacked us.. Not some Mariachi .. Offended.. yeah,
    I'm damned offended by the hypocritical Americans who adhere to hot button
    issues Want to know what those demonstrators are protesting.. go out there
    and ask them.. then listen to them when they explain..
    Those were not idiots that crashed those airplanes into us.. Make up your
    mind.. you either want to fix the immigration problem to protect Americans
    from attack, or you (not you Beemer) want to take dead aim on a people that
    has not harmed us.. Want to fix it.. do it.. I'll help all I can..
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    There wasn't one Indian involved with terrorists attacks on our country,
    Let's not lump all immigrants into one group just because they might come
    from the same general area.
    Wakko, Apr 28, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Again, Bill, there are plenty of ethic groups that wear turbans and sari's
    that absolutely had no connection with terrorist attacks on our country. The
    Sikh's of India come to mind. They aren't even muslim. And they don't even
    wear saris in the middle east at all.

    Ya gotta feel bad for the poor Sikh caught up in all this through no fault
    of his own.
    Wakko, Apr 28, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I wouldn't do that, at all.. By the same token, let's don't zero in on
    immigrants who have never had anything to do with any kind of terrorist acts
    in our country, either.. That's what is going on with all the immigration
    controversy that is eating at us, today..

    Want to shut that southern border down, let's do it.. But don't mislead
    Americans by claiming that we are shutting it down out of patriotism and
    homeland security..

    Perhaps our entire immigration policies should be reviewed and closely
    examined.. I don't have one problem with doing that.. If Americans believe
    that our borders should be closed, that is fine, as long as we are closing
    those borders for the purpose which we all know and understand.. not for
    some political capital ..

    When we commence deporting, let's not forget the illegals that are serving
    and have served in our military.. The focus on the Mexican border have not
    taken those into account, yet.. I don't believe that those politicians
    pushing the illegal immigrant issues right now, have even mentioned it..

    Scary as it might seem, I have to agree with George Bush on the things that
    he's saying .. Knowing full well that none of it is sincere and he has no
    intention of following through with any part of it.. the rhetoric that he's
    declaring, is real close to my ideas about illegal immigration.. Where we
    part company is the amnesty part of it.. However, citizenship consideration
    should be taken off the table..

    Nossir.. Indians did not play a role in the 911 attacks, any more than
    Mexicans did.. Let's not get confused with what I'm saying here, if we
    intend to "fix immigration" .. let's do it equitably.. and let's fix it
    without punishing any group of people who've never done us harm.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Me too.. Mostly . I feel bad for the Americans who have been caught up in
    all this political posturing about immigration.. The false and misleading
    information that is being fostered, especially on newsgroups like this are
    nothing more than propaganda to establish a political agenda .. Hell..
    Americans are divided and split badly enough.. the political distractions
    like this are designed to make sure that they stay divided, while the beat
    goes on.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 28, 2006
  7. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    They wore some kind of badge identifying their heritage?

    RCOS# 7
    Riding Again!

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Apr 29, 2006
  8. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    one comment on this well written commentary : It is ''those thousands''
    coming into our country on a daily basis. This is the problem.
    There's never, in our history, been this many illegals coming in by the
    thousands, on a daily basis.
    That's entirely toooooooo many.
    Kinda like fire ants, a problem, that seems to be out of control.
    I worry about the young people in my family, how bad it might get in the
    next 10 years.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
  9. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    To Beemer)-''He was praising our military and the work they are doing
    in his native country.. guess where ? Iraq.. That dude talked about
    patriotism and really threw in all the buzz words that we are hearing
    every day..
    When I asked him why Americans were over there fighting in his country,
    for all the things he was screaming about.. why he wasn't in his own
    country doing all that good stuff, that dude got real defensive... Some
    of the spectators made some comments about me being "un-american" and
    such.. **** that... that big son of a bitch was somewhere just under
    forty years old . Every one of those bastards should be shipped back to
    Iraq and put in uniform..

    Remember that is what we did to the Japs, at the first of WWII- well we
    didnt send 'em back, but we rounded 'em up'' (it was an awful thing, now
    that we look back on it, though)
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
  10. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Wakko said: BILL,There wasn't one Indian involved with terrorists
    attacks on our country, either.
    Let's not lump all immigrants into one group just because they might
    come from the same general area.

    Nor was there an Iraqi aboard the hijacked airliners that ultimatly
    destoyed the TTowers. So why did Bush invade, oh, this is another issue,
    pardon me.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
  11. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Wakko said; Again, Bill, there are plenty of ethic groups that wear
    turbans and sari's that absolutely had no connection with terrorist
    attacks on our country. The Sikh's of India come to mind. They aren't
    even muslim. And they don't even wear saris in the middle east at all.
    Ya gotta feel bad for the poor Sikh caught up in all this through no
    fault of his own.

    Maybe he'll listen to you? Just had to say that, sorry.
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
  12. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Wakko,Want to shut that southern border down, let's do it.. But don't
    mislead Americans by claiming that we are shutting it down out of
    patriotism and homeland security..''

    ''Economics, Bill, economics''!
    Too many of em coming in on a daily basis, p.e.r.i.o.d!

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Apr 29, 2006
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