Just Cruisin'

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Real hard week, last week.. for me.. Tough as it was, the end
    of it was Sunday and what a surprise when I finally got back to

    A strange car pulled up in my driveway and out stepped that
    old friend of mine from Arizona.. Wow.. you could have bowled
    me over.. My old friend Ed Hart had just driven away and on his
    way back home.. Buddy Helscel showing up like that was really
    "icing on the cake", for me..

    Many of you know the history between us, and can appreciate the
    bond of brotherhood that Buddy and I have..Some of you have
    met Buddy and can agree that he is a man that anyone would be
    proud to consider.. a friend..

    After the initial surprise and howdies were done, we commenced
    re-hashing the old memories.. of course.. Even though we lived it
    together and those stories have been told and retold, we cranked
    them out.. one after the other.. Some of the neighbors drifted over
    and needless to say, sat with us.. listened and enjoyed those same
    old stories, all over again.. Motorcycle rides.. trips, stunts, tricks and
    even some downright foolishness were discussed.. hmmm.. We even
    talked about a few of the wild women we'd romanced in our time..

    Several pleasant hours were spent as me, my fine friend and those
    neighbors shared, once again.. those old days of glory, when we were
    younger and full of vinegar..

    Then, Buddy commenced talking about the trip to Mexico, two years
    ago.. damn, has it been that long ? He elaborated on that trip like it
    happened last month.. Morgan Kane, Wakko and Mouse (Backpack)
    as he named her and all the new friends and my family that he met
    in Mexico.. He went on and one about each and every individual..
    making sure that each one was described in detail and his impress-
    ion of each one was complete..

    What a great way to end a bad week, huh ? Buddy is going to spend
    just a few days, maybe leave tomorrow, but anyone who'd like to drop
    by and visit, is sure welcome.. The Mexican is cooking like crazy and
    there will plenty to eat and sure to be good conversation about what
    we all enjoy most.. motorcycles.. Hell.. who knows.. hehehe.. someone
    just might learn something new.. Us "oldtimers" have experienced some
    really amazing things in all the years that we've been riding these things..

    Ya'll have a good one..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Mar 11, 2008
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  2. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ====Bill,I bet that helped ''out your old'' feelings. Take care.
    bj_kana, Mar 11, 2008
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sure did, Bjay.. lol.. Be back in the saddle in no time.. Thanks..
    Bill Walker, Mar 11, 2008
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What's up with all this "old" bullshit ? Hell, I'm almost ready to start
    riding circles around all you usenet pussies, again.. lmao
    Bill Walker, Mar 11, 2008
  5. Bill Walker

    bj_kana Guest

    ============''Like you did'', up there in Mena last year, I'd never
    seen that done, and you were good, man!.................''old'' Timbo,
    just dont know what he'd be getting into, if he ever ''showed his
    eastern ass'' out here in
    Tejas.........................lol MrJayT=
    bj_kana, Mar 11, 2008
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