Just a Thought

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I just got off the phone with a young man who made the ride to Waco for the
    VA hospital rally.. Me and four of the Booze Fighters rode down together..
    There were a couple of guys my age and a couple of younger men in their late
    twenties and early thirties.. We decided to visit the hospital before the
    ride and the five of us jumped the curb and parked on the lawn next to one
    of the dorms.. Our reception was the warmest and we were made to feel
    appreciated.. While we circulated amongst those old heroes and warriors from
    Korea, Viet Nam and more recent conflicts.. I couldn't help notice, the
    younger men seem more ill at ease and not comfortable in the company of our
    old vets.. I've wondered about it since..This was the topic of our
    conversation and I asked him "Why" that seemed to be the case.. My friend
    agreed with my impression, his explanation was that, in the presence of
    those old warriors, he was reminded just how much we owe them..He told me
    that he was reminded, that all we are and all we have is due in large part
    to the sacrifices of these old veterans.. Somehow .. that feeling was
    uncomfortable as he associated in their company.. I am not sure I
    understand, nor am I sure that I should.. I only know that we all came away
    from there aware that those men sacrificed much for all of us.. We agreed
    that if we fail them now, in the time of need, we will have failed our
    Nation and our own integrity for generations to come.. Just a thought,
    brother and sister Bikers.. Keep the faith..

    Your Friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 25, 2003
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