Just a Little Different Twist

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My wife and I were driving to Guadalajara for the holidays.. Although we
    were in our pickup, I'd been invited to participate in some of the holiday
    activities with some of the bikers in the city..I was towing the Green One
    on the trailer because of the amount of baggage the Mexican normally takes
    when she visits the family..

    The transmission failed about forty miles or so, just east of Monterrey..
    Being on the road, as we were, there were few alternatives There were the
    usual bystanders on the highway and one of them claimed to be a full service
    mechanic .. Without other options, we managed to get the truck, and trailer
    into the facility.. As it turned out, the guys who worked on that pickup
    were no more mechanics than I am.. A concerned lady who ran a small family
    type cafe, next door.. called someone who was actually in the transmission

    When he arrived, he quickly assessed the situation and convinced me that he
    was, in fact a transmission specialist.. After settling up with the clowns
    who'd taken such advantage of us.. we made our way to the other repair

    Those guys in that shop were nothing less that pure professionals, but due
    to the late hour, we were taken to a local motel to rest for the night..
    Next morning, my wife had gone to a small store next to the motel, to use
    their telephone.. She called the sister in Guadalajara to explain why we
    would be late getting there..

    The lady who owned the store overheard the conversation my wife had with her
    sister and when the call was completed.. asked that my wife wait for a few
    minutes.. Next thing we see is police cars and pickups coming from both

    After questioning us for a short while, the officers requested us to come to
    their judicial office to talk to the Judge and file a complaint.. Being
    concerned about my truck, trailer and motorcycle.. it was decided that my
    wife would accompany the officers and I'd go with the owner of the repair

    The work was completed on my pickup about the time the policemen brought my
    wife back to the shop.. Something like three hours had gone by since I'd
    seen her last.. Asking her about what happened .. she shared this with me..

    The policemen had taken Magda to a judiciary building where they'd taken her
    in to talk to a Judge.. After hearing her account of the events, he ordered
    the policemen to go and arrest the two men involved.. Within a few minutes,
    they'd arrested one man while the other one had gotten word to report to the
    court's offices.. When all the players were present.. the Judge had heard
    their side of the story.. He ordered them to give my wife our money back..
    One of the men objected and said they no longer had the money and it wasn't
    fair.. The response from the Judge was to tell them, they either get the
    money and return it or they'd be in jail for a long, long time.. Within a
    few minutes, the money was there and in my wife's purse.. The Judge gave
    those men a lecture about morals, ethics and the importance of right and
    wrong.. He talked about the good people of Sabinas would not tolerate taking
    advantage of anyone who unfortunately travelled into the area..

    All of this transpired virtually overnight.. That Judge got involved in the
    incident and within four hours, he'd resolved another horror story to make
    it right.. In reflection .. if that incident had taken place on the north
    side of the border, we'd more than likely .. still be in court somewhere,
    trying to recover.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 19, 2006
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill, as an independent nonbiased reader on this NG, and with no
    prejudice notions towards neither you, nor Jerry's ongoing discussion
    about Mexico's Reputation Case (so to speak), I have to say:You are
    presenting some strong evidence to support your side of the case. Your
    postings are interesting, and seem real.
    I said in the beginning, that first hand knowledge and first hand
    experiences are hard to beat. I know you don't give a shit what I think,
    but I don't care, and intend to keep on reading and responding to both
    sides. <grin>
    BJayKana, Apr 19, 2006
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... Assuming that one incident is an isolated situation, Nurick could
    have a valid argument..Ignorance of the country doesn't take into
    consideration, that encounters with authoritative law enforcement isn't just
    an isolated event.. Following the same route the was taken to go to
    Guadalajara, round trip will consist of no less than five encounters with
    check points by military and Federale officers.. Multiplying that with the
    number of trips that I've made to and from Guadalajara.. there's
    considerably more than "one" encounter to make a judgement.. That doesn't
    even include the many different encounters within the city and various other
    states and cities ..

    <chuckle> My comments about "Mexico is not for everybody".. doesn't seem to
    register, with the usenet players.. Nurick is included in the company of
    Jerry (?) alias (?) who I believe would not do well in that country.. For
    one thing, I'd never expect either of these two.. Nurick and his newest,
    bestest friend to venture too far from home or usenet, on a motorcycle..
    much less cross an international border to tour a foreign country.. Can you
    imagine the consequences of such an adventurous action, on their part..
    Bill Walker, Apr 21, 2006
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmmm... Isn't it amazing that in all the years he's been playing usenet..on
    this newsgroup, that Nurick has only met one person.. tsk.. tsk.. Wonder why
    only one ? Several of the participants on tx.motorcycles live in his area..
    Whoops.. Sounds like the experience in Mexico that Nurick has, is typical..
    He enjoyed the plane ride to Cosumel.. The airport is impressive, I'm sure..
    The driver that transported him to the resort hotel was friendly, no doubt..
    The staff that registered him were helpful and the waiters in the restaurant
    gave him good service.. Liked the beaches too, I expect.. Aside from the
    guided tours, with all that vast experience, no one can dispute the
    qualifications to really comment on every aspect of the country..
    Bill Walker, Apr 24, 2006
  5. Bill Walker

    willarush Guest

    Huh? I don't get it. Does this mean your not going to describe what
    it felt like when you were murdered in Mexico?
    willarush, Apr 24, 2006
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