John Peel down

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Pip, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. Not a problem - I thought you would be one person who would like to have
    had the choice to see the programme.
    We'll I'm not upset but I am quietly amazed at how someone who has
    always struck me as really quite modest but enthusiastic could have made
    such a big impact on the world of music and through that on so many

    I have the programme videoed so I'll watch it later on.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 27, 2004
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  2. [hardtalk]
    well I've sat down and watched it and it was splendid. Full of
    marvellous anecdotes and observations. I loved John Peel's comment about
    being so emotional on playing his favourite record that he always has to
    segue into another track as he's unable to speak.

    It was also refreshing to see Tim Sebastian laughing and smiling almost
    all the way through. Although I like his interviewing style he is often
    rather dour although the subject matter is often very depressing too.
    Paul Corfield, Oct 27, 2004
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  3. Pip

    platypus Guest

    Okay, "easier". In theory, I could **** off to Oz for six months, but I've
    got a job and familial responsibilities. It's too late for me to be a rock
    star or a fighter pilot, and a 48-year-old man would look ridiculous on the
    hippy trail to India. Still, I haven't completely given up: I still believe
    I can get back to 11 stone/32" waist/a few muscles here and there...
    Actually, nothing in the weather/seasons line makes me morose. A day like
    today - a bit grey, windy but not raining, lots of autumn stuff going down -
    I'd have loved to have spent bimbling around in the hills on the Z200.
    Half a dozen fractures? Pshaw. But they should have been getting round to
    fusing together around 2-3 weeks, not 5-6. The bruises and the scabs and
    stuff are taking their own sweet time, too.
    "Rough sex."
    platypus, Oct 28, 2004
  4. Pip

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, platypus
    <future archeologist mode>

    <examines teeth>

    No, can't have been that...

    <examines callouses on hand bones>

    Over-enthusiastic onanistic activities? It's a definite possibility.

    <inspects fossilised venomous spike>

    Can it be? Can it *really* be?..

    <excavates deeper, finds Drifter>

    It's *him*! We have found the one they call "Monotreme"! The legends
    spoke of him, but no one could believe it was true...

    <goes off to found new ****[1]>


    [1] It was supposed to be a cult, but some mistranslation is inevitable
    after 2000 years.
    Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Nigel Eaton, Oct 28, 2004
  5. Pip

    platypus Guest

    When I dislocated my left thumb, it wasn't repaired properly, and it folds
    in closer than the right. I've appalled a few people by explaining that it
    was actually a surgical mod to allow easier fisting...
    Tough self-love.
    The Blessed Nigel - First Acolyte of the **** of the Monotreme
    platypus, Oct 28, 2004
  6. Pip

    Lady Nina Guest

    The latter are the only things keeping me here. I'm counting down the
    Rubbish. I'll be 42 and it is on my list.
    It's good to have hope...
    We got the howling gale and pissing it down version so we burnt things
    in the brazier.
    I've still got the bruising under my left big toe nail from July. I
    think the fracture has finally healed though.
    Lady Nina, Oct 28, 2004
  7. Pip

    platypus Guest

    Remind me to tell you about the Five Year Plan sometime.
    Maybe the wars will be over by then.
    **** off.
    It was windy but not pissing down here. Lots of leaves blowing about.

    Braziers rock.
    So it was actually broken, then? Have many people been saying "I told you
    platypus, Oct 28, 2004
  8. Pip

    Lady Nina Guest

    If it is one you spectacularly failed to acheive than lalala I'm not
    listening. The only long term plan I have is 'sod off when youngest is
    18'. I acheived all my career and life goals a while back then
    realised that they were bloody silly ideas in the first place. So now
    if I can manage 'don't worry, be happy' 75% of the time and pay the
    bills that will do.
    No chance. I'll just sneak in while no one's looking. I'm hoping the
    septics don't irradiate us all by then.
    A veritable bite <g> Of course all those bites is why the 11 stone
    thing is a target not an actuality.

    May I recommend Asda extra special lemon curd yoghurt for that extra
    insulation. Since I've discovered it (all 265 calories a pot) I've put
    on 4 pounds. I may actually have to undertake some exercise other than
    vigourous sex at this rate.

    <looks in fridge> Last one, that's 3 today then. Mmmm lemony goodness
    with 12% whipping cream.

    One or two. I wouldn't have known it was broken if one of them hadn't
    kept nagging. I've still got to go back and find out if they need to
    do anything else with it but as it is only hurting on and off I
    haven't bothered making the follow up appointment.
    Lady Nina, Oct 28, 2004
  9. Pip

    platypus Guest

    *ding* - if a little more complex than just that.
    I'm not really a yoghurt person.
    ....although I could be, in the prescence of such pervy comestibles.
    Anything arsony, really. "I've burnt things you people wouldn't insure..."
    Told you so.
    <slap> Get on with it.
    platypus, Oct 28, 2004
  10. Pip

    Lady Nina Guest

    It's ambrosia in a tub. I'm waiting for another load to arrive now.
    It's winter, baggy clothes time, another few pounds wont matter...
    My pseudo cousin and I started our arson careers setting fire to the
    hay in my pseudo uncle's barn. Adults torn between relief as we
    emerged minus a lot of hair but uncharred and the urge to throttle us.

    Big Toe.
    But it doesn't hurt...
    Lady Nina, Oct 28, 2004
  11. Pip

    platypus Guest

    It will when it falls off.
    platypus, Oct 28, 2004
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