Jerry's next?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by louie, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. louie

    louie Guest

    Jerry has got to be getting bored again.

    The VW trike is old hat now, the anti-gravity seeds didn't sprout, and the,
    Big Ed assisted, Dallas purchased bike is forgotten.

    Could this be next for the Houston tinkerer

    louie, Sep 3, 2007
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  2. louie

    redshad Guest

    I think Cookie might have Jerry tied up in the basement or something.
    Maybe Morgan Kane should go over there and check on him....

    Cookie..if your reading this, Let Jerry go...I am pretty sure he wont
    pull that stunt again.

    redshad, Sep 3, 2007
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  3. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Did you notice how fast I fell into line, when Cookie got me wound up..
    Morgan Kane is probably thinking about the same as me.. There ain't
    no way I'll challenge that lady when she's on the warpath.. In other
    words, if she's got ol' Jerry tied up.. then, that's where he belongs
    until she decides to untie him.. That'll teach him to behave a little bit
    more to suit her..

    hmmm.. It occurs to me that you and Louie are just trying to stir up
    some trouble and I will bet, Cookie is a lot meaner than Bjay's wife..
    After all that disturbance on Jerry's last little adventure, it wouldn't
    surprise me if she don't just jump on that VW trike, make a trip up
    here to DFW and just straighten all of us out.. Ya'll better watch your
    step, because when I learn that she is on the way, I am not even go-
    ing to claim that I know any of you guys.. Let that be a lesson to you..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 3, 2007
  4. louie

    redshad Guest

    Better get your reservations to stay at BJ's house for a few days to
    avoid Cookie. If BJ wont let you stay with him, you might have to slip
    down and stay with Dusty.

    redshad, Sep 3, 2007
  5. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    You know damned well Bjay isn't dependable, like that.. Nossir.. if you
    trouble stirrers get that little woman all wound up, I don't know any of
    Bill Walker, Sep 3, 2007
  6. louie

    redshad Guest

    Better get your reservations to stay at BJ's house for a few days to
    We might better start dealing directly with Honey J.....Looks like she
    might have BJ tied up in the basement too.

    redshad, Sep 3, 2007
  7. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    hehehehe.. You can't figure anything out, can you ? Bjay runs in the
    house, waving his arms frantically and hollering .. "quick.. they are
    coming to Pleasant Grove".. She jumps on that maintainance deprived
    Valkyrie and they are gone .. Several days later.. they surface again
    and Bjay is telling some kind of long tale about his encounter with that
    Bigfoot over in Fouke, Ark. or something.. Damn, wake up RedShad..
    Bill Walker, Sep 3, 2007
  8. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Come on guys, surely one of ya'll has called jerry to check on that
    Trike riding rascal????? I dont have his cellular telliephone number.
    It's been almost two weeks, since he set the record for riding a
    3Wheeler VW, the furtherest than any white man, known on TXMoto, and
    Reeky for that matter. 0PGrin, friend. heheh

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Sep 4, 2007
  9. louie

    Ed Hart Guest

    You wore out that O Grin shit.Change it to "Shit eatin' grin".
    Ed Hart, Sep 5, 2007
  10. louie

    BiffB Guest

    BiffB, Sep 5, 2007
  11. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Ed can post your home number for Jerry to call you....
    Brian Walker, Sep 5, 2007
  12. louie

    BJayKana Guest


    --------Ed Hart wrote:
    Bjay,You wore out that O Grin shit.Change it to "Shit eatin' grin".

    (Ed Hart)

    -:BiffyB.-- offers this site for a good RN Grin:-

    ------I figgered we had some black'uns who lurk this group, and I
    thought they might frown on my comments about white'uns.
    LMA0, B.Walker Style--------
    BJayKana, Sep 5, 2007
  13. louie

    bj_kana Guest

    Have you, or maybe Ed, talked to him? It's been over 2 weeks, since he
    made that ''hards days night ride'' back to Houston from Cally.I dont
    have his Em, or his cell,or I'd have tried to make contact. /bjay/
    bj_kana, Sep 9, 2007
  14. louie

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey Bjay, we're having a hard time tracking you through the CelluTrack
    system. Can you go back to using the WebTV? Maybe that's it...

    Maybe it's the cloud coverage?

    We'll try again later....after the TP meet!
    Brian Walker, Sep 9, 2007
  15. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Brian says: ''Hey Bjay, we're having a hard time tracking you through
    the CelluTrack system. Can you go back to using the WebTV? Maybe that's
    Maybe it's the cloud coverage?
    We'll try again later....after the TP meet!

    Sho' nuff. I'll git er' done.
    Now, about Jerry, do you know anything?
    Or care to know anything? Track him with your real deal, and check on
    em, why dontCha? Over????? /bjay/
    BJayKana, Sep 9, 2007
  16. louie

    louie Guest

    No, I haven't. I doubt Big Ed has account he has been tied up with you.

    louie, Sep 9, 2007
  17. louie

    BiffB Guest

    Wow, I didn't figure Big Ed as being one of "those" people. Is that why
    he posted his phone number?
    BiffB, Sep 9, 2007
  18. louie

    BJayKana Guest

    Dang,maybe I can get some sense outa Bill Walker-?- Bill, have you
    heard from Jerry, by ''maybe, telegraph or something.'' over? <g>
    BJayKana, Sep 9, 2007
  19. louie

    Bill Walker Guest

    Nossir.. I'm getting concerned about my old pard, too.. He usually
    calls me, at least once each week.. Guess I need to check up on

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 10, 2007
  20. louie

    louie Guest

    As info, BJay, there are lots and lots of people I haven't heard from. It is
    really hard to keep up.

    louie, Sep 10, 2007
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