Jerry is Alive

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Ed Hart, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. Ed Hart

    Ed Hart Guest

    Got a call this morning at work.Yep.It was Jerry.He's doing fine.Just
    trying to re-coop from his journey.
    And that Trc-a-cell works great.He was close to the house at a motorcycle
    shop looking for some parts.I fooled him when I gave him the exact location
    where he was at.
    Thanks Louie!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Sep 13, 2007
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  2. Ed Hart

    louie Guest

    That is a very cool little program.

    louie, Sep 13, 2007
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  3. Ed Hart

    Ed Hart Guest

    I like it when it shows the local area from a camera above like pic.It will
    show the lakes and woods next to the lake or a field.It's like one is in the
    air looking down on someone.Technology is great.
    Ed Hart, Sep 13, 2007
  4. Ed Hart

    bj_kana Guest

    bj_kana, Sep 13, 2007
  5. Ed Hart

    Jerry Guest

    Yes, Jerry is alive. Barely. That was the hardest thing I have ever done.
    And that is all I am saying about it. I deleted all the other posts because
    there are too many to read and I am starting new. Send money. I am broke
    Jerry, Sep 25, 2007
  6. Ed Hart

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whups.. Hold on just a minute, here.. I believe we may have an imposter
    amongst us.. I just talked to Jerry a coupla nights ago, and he assured me
    that the trip to California was a "walk in the park" .. The purchase of that
    Volkswagon conversion trike went smooth as silk.. The thing performed
    without a flaw on the entire trip back to Texas.. Weather was cool and
    pleasant and he made it all without a hitch..

    Now.. here comes some Jerry imposter talking trash and pretending to be
    the old friend we know and love.. For one, I take offense and recommend
    that this situation be referred to Bjay.. for immediate resolution.. Let
    that be
    a lesson to future imposters on this newsgroup..

    Good to see you, Jerry.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 25, 2007
  7. Ed Hart

    bj_kana Guest

    What a relief, I thought there might have been a funeral, and I
    overlooked it being discussed on here. Good to read you Mr. Jerry.
    <hehe> /bjay/
    bj_kana, Sep 25, 2007
  8. Ed Hart

    bj_kana Guest

    I'm impressed, shoot--it has only been 4 weeks'', man0man, He gets
    over stuff quick....what a TrikeSter. <kidding>
    bj_kana, Sep 25, 2007
  9. Ed Hart

    Jerry Guest

    Well hell Bill, you have been around long enough to know how bikers lie
    about everything. ;) I may not have explained the trip to you quite the way
    it was. That desert was hot. I don't know how those tough bastards in the
    old days got across it.

    If nothing goes wrong, I am coming up to see you and the boys that are
    available to be seen next week for a day or two.
    Jerry, Sep 26, 2007
  10. Ed Hart

    Bill Walker Guest

    Come ahead on.. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.. You gonna be tooling
    that new (to you) trike machine, or ol'Faithful Valkyrie ?
    Bill Walker, Sep 26, 2007
  11. Ed Hart

    Jerry Guest

    The truck or Valkyrie. The trike is partially dismantled for a winter
    rebuild project. Waiting on a bigger storeroom to tear it all apart.
    Jerry, Sep 26, 2007
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