Jackqui Smith Down

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Krusty

    DR Guest

    Wicked Uncle Nigel posted:
    A sentiment with which I whole-heartedly agree. I feel that an
    inculcated party system is entirely incompatible with good governance,
    and only leads to needlessly adversarial and short-term politics.
    DR, Jun 5, 2009
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  2. Krusty

    wessie Guest

    wessie, Jun 5, 2009
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  3. Krusty

    SD Guest

    An MP doesn't have to do all that on £60k, though, as you well know.

    It's (in the case of Newcastle's MP, Jim Cousins) £60k plus £144,066
    in expenses.

    Quite a difference.
    SD, Jun 5, 2009
  4. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, wessie
    Don't really see the "I've changed my mind" bit in there, TBH. Unless
    you mean the:

    However in the same interview on the Jonathan Dimbleby programme, Short
    backtracked on her claim about British agents bugging Annan. She
    admitted that the transcripts she saw of Annan's private conversations
    might have related to Africa and not to Iraq. Asked whether she could
    confirm that the transcripts related to Iraq, she said: "I can't, but
    there might well have been ... I cannot remember a specific transcript
    in relation, it doesn't mean it wasn't there." Short also admitted that
    her original claim, on the Today programme, that Britain had
    eavesdropped on Annan may have been inaccurate. Asked whether the
    material could have passed to the British by the Americans, she said:
    "It could. But it normally indicates that. But I can't remember that."[

    bit, in which case all I see is someone who's over-egged the pudding
    suddenly being shit-scared of getting sued for defamation.

    Not quite the same thing.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jun 5, 2009
  5. Krusty

    wessie Guest

    No. You are looking at the wrong paragraph.

    I mean that she supported the decision to invade Iraq in 2003, adopting the
    cabinet collective view.

    Later, she resigned as she felt that she had been duped by TB & JS
    wessie, Jun 6, 2009
  6. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, wessie

    OK, fair play. I still don't want her babies, but she has the courage of
    her convictions.

    Exception, rule, etc.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - "He's hopeless, but he's honest"

    I have already made the greatest contribution to the fight against climate
    change that I can make: I have decided not to breed. Now quit bugging me and
    go and talk to the Catholics.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Jun 6, 2009
  7. Krusty

    Ben Guest

    That's the average over the winter, summer use is quite a bit less.
    We're on rateable value, not a meter. 380 quid a year. Switching to
    a meter will likely cost us more now we have the sprog so I'm not in a
    hurry to.
    Ben, Jun 6, 2009
  8. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    All utterly shit indeed and Brown's apparent mastery of No11 has been
    completely debunked. Utterly incompetent. Emperor <> clothes interface.

    Miliband makes me shudder. That they all make Mandleson look like an
    intellectual giant makes me shudder.
    Hog, Jun 6, 2009
  9. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I don't do stress mate. As I replied to Champ I was sitting in my summer
    house in the sunshine with a glass of Widow and some nibbles watching it all
    go by. I'm an pragmatist, I observe but where I can have no influence I let
    it wash over me. Thank **** that like you I'm slightly insulated from the
    effects of it all.
    Hog, Jun 6, 2009
  10. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I saw her in York station with her secretary after she resigned. She has
    utterly stonking Norks! You would be dribbling like one of Petrolcan's
    Window Lickers.
    Hog, Jun 6, 2009
  11. Not unless you use a lot more water than we do, we pay 29 a month I
    think and we're in credit.
    mike. buckley, Jun 6, 2009
  12. Ah, but you then get left with a population who are merely good at IQ
    tests. Perhaps there should be an upper limit too.
    Beelzebub_on_Mac, Jun 6, 2009
  13. Krusty

    Higgins Guest

    Listening to Any Questions today, I note that, in Polly Toynbee's world.
    "climate deniers" are grouped with racists, homophobes and anti-semites.

    I feel slightly soiled.
    Higgins, Jun 6, 2009
  14. Holy shit, it'd be like living on Planet Mensa.
    Nightmare scenario, iwt.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 6, 2009
  15. Krusty

    Ben Guest

    If they wanted to fit a meter inside the house, then they'd have to do
    substantial damage to the kitchen units which would cost more than the
    savings to repair.

    And they couldn't fit one in the stopcock in the road as there isn't

    And at the moment, the kiddie isn't affecting our water use too much
    as we're not washing any more than normal. I'm sure this will
    Ben, Jun 6, 2009
  16. Krusty

    ginge Guest

    Hmm I think I must have a leak somewhere mine's more like £40
    ginge, Jun 6, 2009
  17. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Krusty, Jun 6, 2009
  18. Yeah **** that
    They take very little room and they actually dig up the existing
    stopcock and have to re-tarmac the surround[1], so I don't think you
    have to worry about having one fitted in the kitchen.
    Well no, but with just two of us we were paying even less, so I don't
    see what's stopping you having one fitted, it's a no brainer for every
    house we've moved into. The house we're moving to already has one in
    place, but even if it didn't I'd be having one put in.

    [1] At least they have for every one I've had fitted.
    mike. buckley, Jun 6, 2009
  19. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I said above 100, that is "normal human" territory. You are thinking of 130
    plus people, I don't know what %age of the population we are.

    I don't know if it is unusual but my school in Aberdeen IQ tested kids at P3
    for its P4 entry year?
    Hog, Jun 7, 2009
  20. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I'm not a climate denier, I'm quite sure that the 75% of fossil fuel burning
    used for electricity generation the world over is a Bad Idea.
    However the quality of the "science" used to justify the jobs and hysteria
    and legislative change is just shit. If we developed drugs, or delivered
    radiotherapy or built nuclear power plants or sent rockets into orbit on
    science of that quality the world would be a disaster area.

    But if we are to err on the side of caution, not a bad idea per se, all it
    requires is the closure of all conventional coal/oil burninng power stations
    within 20 years. Job done. Replaced with flue gas extraction plants,
    nuclear, tidal and wind/wave. There is NO need at all to restrict access to
    vehicles or to green tax domestic use fuels.
    Hog, Jun 7, 2009
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