Jackqui Smith Down

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Krusty, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Krusty

    darsy Guest

    that's for four people, so about £100 a week each (I'm including
    lunches bought whilst at work for 2 of us, though not including after
    work/weekend restaurant/pub costs).

    I don't think it's particularly excessive.
    darsy, Jun 4, 2009
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  2. "Between careers". I was a "senior chap" (but not chapero - word for the
    day) - but senior programmer doesn't mean a lot.

    I actually left my job because the cash was piling up and I didn't need
    all that money. Sitting in that office listening to the arse-lickers and
    suchlike was just too much. That and the blatant ageism which the
    Americans had inflicted on the company. I offered to take a 50% pay-cut
    for an extra day off per week, but was flatly turned down.

    Now I'm going to train to be a translator. I don't know how people stay
    in one career for so long. Life's too short.
    Paul Carmichael, Jun 4, 2009
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  3. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    He was probably a thoroughly honest & genuine chap until he got in with
    the wrong crowd. Happens all the time.


    '03 Tiger 955i
    '02 MV Senna (for sale) '96 Tiger (for sale)
    '79 Fantic Hiro 250 (for sale) '81 Corvette (for sale)
    Krusty, Jun 4, 2009
  4. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    The two fundemantals of a tax system are:

    Practical to collect
    Cheap to collect

    It failed on both counts.
    Hog, Jun 4, 2009
  5. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    I suggested that it should be around 150k. 200 in Cabinet and 500 for
    the PM. But the real issue is you need people in there who are not in
    it for the "job" or the money. You need *issue* people who care and are
    going in for a reason.
    Hog, Jun 4, 2009
  6. Krusty

    Hog Guest

    Haha do want to resurrect my "it takes 100k a year to be comfortable"
    thread with Ben
    Hog, Jun 4, 2009
  7. Krusty

    platypus Guest

    HFM? I got the same thing - with a difference cover - for £1.99 in a garden
    centre a couple of years ago.
    platypus, Jun 4, 2009
  8. Krusty

    Krusty Guest

    Start them on 35k then pay them a whopping great bonus & decent rise,
    based on their change of majority from the previous election[1], if
    they get re-elected.

    [1] So the ones in safe seats aren't guaranteed to rake it in no matter
    what they do.


    '03 Tiger 955i
    '02 MV Senna (for sale) '96 Tiger (for sale)
    '79 Fantic Hiro 250 (for sale) '81 Corvette (for sale)
    Krusty, Jun 4, 2009
  9. Krusty

    ginge Guest

    Only 97%? <thinks> Is your council tax over £1100/yr?
    ginge, Jun 4, 2009
  10. Krusty

    ginge Guest

    A bit like a dustman couldn't ever have the skills to work in IT?
    ginge, Jun 4, 2009
  11. Krusty

    boots Guest

    Parliament sits around 35 weeks a year and even then only a few turn
    up for that judging by the empty chamber visible on the TV. Then
    there's the pairing arrangements so an MP can agree with an opposition
    member that they both don't show. Then again there's those holding
    second jobs, doesn't look to me like a full time occupation at the

    Not saying it shouldn't be full time, just the current evidence
    suggests it's not.
    boots, Jun 4, 2009
  12. Krusty

    Champ Guest

    OK, with things like electricity, clothes, bottles of champagne, you
    have a choice as to how much (if any) you buy, and for some, what
    quality you buy. If you're poor, you buy less.

    With things like road sweeping, policing, education, you have no
    choice in quantity, and the level of quality is a political, not
    economic issue.

    Some (many?) poor people would, given the choice, perhaps decide not
    to pay for road sweeping, etc. This would be a bad thing. Because
    they have no choice (it's a mandatory service, which they must take),
    it's considered fairer to base the price on ability to pay.

    Most people [1] have no problem with "ability to pay" being used as
    the basis for paying for national expenditure (armed forces, NHS,
    building motorways, etc), so why should local expenditure be any

    [1] Hog is excused here
    Champ, Jun 4, 2009
  13. Krusty

    Champ Guest


    No - I live alone.
    Champ, Jun 4, 2009
  14. Krusty

    Champ Guest

    No - 96 quid a month for 10 months.

    Actually, I've just done the thing again, remembered to add in my
    voluntary pension contribs, and it's still only 95%! Some people have
    obviously just got big pay rises!
    Champ, Jun 4, 2009
  15. Krusty

    Ace Guest

    By whom? That's the way the system works, but there are many people
    who don't consider it fair.
    I think you'd need to excuse a vast swathe of britich society as well.
    Most of the people whose higher earnings are used to subsidise the
    system do indeed have a problem with the concept, at least as far as
    it applies to them individually.
    Ace, Jun 4, 2009
  16. Krusty

    darsy Guest

    we was robbed!
    darsy, Jun 4, 2009
  17. Krusty

    Champ Guest

    Everyone repudiating my point has omitted the concept of change of

    Sure you can grow up in poverty, work in a manual job, etc and then
    later progress to a job of serious responsibility or technical
    content. But if you can just jump from one to the other, you were
    over-skilled to the manual job in the first place, and would ask why
    you were doing it in the first place.
    Champ, Jun 4, 2009
  18. Krusty

    Champ Guest

    So what was the point of the phrase "starvation rations"?
    Champ, Jun 4, 2009
  19. Krusty

    Ace Guest

    Yeah, I know. I just wondered whether you'd filled in the details as
    if you didn't, or whether you earn less than I thought you did.

    Or whether I CBA to look at the site again to see where 97% puts you.
    Ace, Jun 4, 2009
  20. Krusty

    Adrian Guest

    Mmmm. I wonder why?
    Adrian, Jun 4, 2009
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