Well, I've had "fun" the past two nights after work. First night, wrestle with carbs and airbox to get carbs removed. Turned out the easiest way was to remove the inlet rubbers from the head as well. Removed camchain tensioner, took to bits, cleaned and lubed. Checked how much movement it had to full travel - 16.5mm. Re-installed in bike and set tensioner. Removed again and checked how much it had travelled - 6.5mm. Plenty life left in the camchain then thinks I. Hopefully the tensioner was just a bit stuck. Second night. Made up gaskets. (wasn't waiting weeks for Yamaha to come across, I've missed me bike too much.) Fitted camchain tensioner. Wedged carb inlet rubbers back in between carbs and head with new gaskets. Couldn't get at one allen bolt and had to chop down an allen key to fit. Three fucking hours! Start up bike. Tick, tick, tick, tick, fucking tickety fucking tick!!!!! Stand despondent wondering if I can be arsed pulling the engine to bits. "It's still coming from the front up at the head on the right hand side." says I to wife. Wife: "Could it not be something to do with your exhaust? Someone suggested that on your newsgroup didn't they?" Me: "I very much doubt it, but hey, I'll give it a try." Socket on, bolt turns. Erk! Bolt turns quite a bit until tight. Other bolt does the same followed by another two. Hmm, let's start it up. The ticking is gone! Well, at least my bike's had a bit of a service. Next time your wife/girlfriend/SO suggests something really simple. It might be worth a try.