I've got a horrible feeling...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Average Heli Person, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. Average Heli Person

    jsp Guest



    Black it is
    and naked
    jsp, Mar 29, 2005
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  2. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    So, come on, how does someone who tries so hard to present some sort of
    'hardcore' biker image survive without a bike for so long?

    Could it be that you struggle to hold down a job for long enough to
    actually pay for one by any chance?

    Seems to have been quite a while since anyone was unhinged enough to
    actually give you any sort of paid employment.
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
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  3. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  4. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    See, that's where you're going wrong. OK, you may find that it's
    absolutely fine to sponge off your partner, but I look around me and see
    a nice house stuffed full of very nice toys that's very nearly paid for,
    a couple of cars and a couple of bikes.

    Managing a 'corner shop' does have some advantages. Like a reliable,
    fairly respectable income.
    'venting' - far from it. I'm sat here with a case of Hoegaarden and a
    packet of fags watching you piss off more than a handful of UKRMers with
    your unfounded snipes at the Welsh.
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  5. Average Heli Person

    JackH Guest


    I speak as I find... and I found, in the absence of any experience of the
    area in question in the past, somewhere I think I'll be making the effort to
    explore in more depth, in the near future.
    JackH, Mar 29, 2005
  6. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    But still not enough to buy a car or bike of your own, eh?

    Not to mention having to leave your last residence.
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  7. Average Heli Person

    platypus Guest

    When have I ever owned a real bike, Mr Pot?
    platypus, Mar 29, 2005
  8. Salad Dodger wrote
    I bloody did. Horrible it was.
    steve auvache, Mar 29, 2005
  9. Average Heli Person

    GPZ Guest

    Both Wessie and SteveH have some good routes for this area.
    GPZ, Mar 29, 2005
  10. Average Heli Person

    JackH Guest

    I know the latter has, cos that was my tour guide for the day. ;-)
    JackH, Mar 29, 2005
  11. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    I took him over the A4059 from Hirwaun to the A40, unfortunately it was
    in the Passat, but it was still fun - we managed to pass several cars in
    the twisty bits :)
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  12. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    Just shows how little you know.

    OK, so it's a pretty damned stressful time at the moment, we're trying
    to turn around a company that's going to post a loss next month, which
    means some very tough decisions, but I love it. Best company in the
    country to work for, IMHO.

    Looking at the situation, I think I'm in a slightly better position, I'm
    respected within the company and industry in which I work with a decent
    track record. I could leave tomorrow and get a position with another
    company within a very short timescale. I have no worries - I have a
    lovely house in an awesome part of the country, I have 2 nice cars, a
    decent bike and next to **** all to pay off on the house.

    What do you have? - a rented place in some northern shitehole, a
    borrowed Skoda and no job.
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  13. Average Heli Person

    GPZ Guest

    When the weathers better we'll have to do the Llandovery, Aberaeron route.
    GPZ, Mar 29, 2005
  14. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    This coming Sunday would be a good place to start.
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  15. Average Heli Person

    SteveH Guest

    You can twist and turn as much as you like, but the facts are that you
    have some rented shitehole and a cage you scrounge off the missus,
    whereas I have my own home, 2 cars I've paid for and a bike - all of
    which owe me nothing.

    I could jump ship tomorrow and walk into another job. Remind me, how
    long is it since anyone last thought you were employable?

    My ranting tonight in other threads is more to do with the rights of the
    people working for me than mine personally. See, I don't actually give a
    toss - I'll go in for 6 hours on a Sunday for double time, but what I
    don't agree with is making people go in for a premium rate that's a
    fraction of my normal rate. It's not right, I don't like making people
    do it, but it's part of the job. That's the only thing I don't like.

    BTW, I had a nice bimble on my bike today. When was the last time you
    did that?
    SteveH, Mar 29, 2005
  16. Average Heli Person

    platypus Guest

    Actually, I did have a real bike last summer. I suppose that was bound to
    end badly.
    platypus, Mar 29, 2005
  17. Average Heli Person

    GPZ Guest

    GPZ, Mar 29, 2005
  18. Average Heli Person

    Lozzo Guest

    platypus says...
    That's a matter of opinion.
    Lozzo, Mar 29, 2005
  19. Average Heli Person

    platypus Guest

    Oh come on, it had four cylinders in a row across the frame, acres of
    plastic, 17" wheels, a chain and only the one shock absorber. Any more real
    and it would be an R1.
    platypus, Mar 29, 2005
  20. Average Heli Person

    GPZ Guest

    Can't do this weekend and the following week I'm
    hoping to get to Thruxton
    GPZ, Mar 29, 2005
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