It's Usenet

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I certainly am glad that Superfly Silverman is keep score here....

    Of course, he'll conveniently not be able to know anything about your comments.
    Brian Walker, Aug 2, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest


    Nah.. this troll is too stupid to even respond to.. Ignorance like this is
    best left alone.. Superfly missed all the action with John Moran.. his
    computer has been failing, this week..

    Now .. for this piece of shit, here.. just ignore the fool.. His mother is
    about to come home and catch him using her computer.. That'll shut his ass
    down for a while.. Don't sweat it..
    Bill Walker, Aug 2, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    For some odd reason, that bunch can't see (or they're too stupid
    and/or high on their dope they still use) they're doing far more
    damage to themselves in the eyes of others than we could EVER do to

    And for all you junkies and convicts (or both in at least one case)
    out there, keep up the good work! We're enjoying watching you destroy

    Now with all the "marital vow" stuff, I'm going to have to move a
    computer to Hooters so I can enjoy a show and eat hot-wings too! At
    least Johnny Moron (aka another day) has got past the gay stuff and
    now knows that was just another one of his many fantasies/lies. I hope
    Superfly Silverman caught that score too!

    Of course Superfly didn't. He can remember a single comment lost in a
    thread from a year ago, but he can't seem to recall a comment made
    yesterday. We need to find another "score keeper"!

    I'm voting for Iceman as the new "score keeper"...even though he IS a
    republican who drives a Ford!!! And don't forget Iceman (aka
    "jackass") the "jackass" comment made to you which started all this
    crap with Johnny Moron (aka another day). Superfly seems to have
    forgot about all this other stuff that's went on.
    Brian Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  4. yah, and I also pointed you to Irfanview, the freeware that made you
    able to post pictures. Brain didn't want to tell you about that, he
    wanted to keep charging you money.

    you also found out that picture files go in binary groups, not in text
    another viewer, Aug 2, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Desperation to re-habilitate your image, sure causes you to talk funny..
    LOL.. IceMan has never laid eyes on Brian, although he is a very good friend
    of mine..
    Your charity is overwhelmning.. Damn.. dude.. Ah Well.. at least you haven't
    commenced insulting anyone else's family members.. Have you learned that
    lesson, well enough ??
    Bill Walker, Aug 2, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Charging him money?!?!?

    I believe I'll collect that money when I hit Austin today!!!

    Iceman! Johnny Moron said you owe me money!!! I want you to pay up!!!
    'Cause he said so!!!
    Brian Walker, Aug 3, 2004
  7. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Damn.. bubba.. The boy is just trying to recover a legitimate debt that ol'
    John Moran has claimed that you owe him.. LOL... I can't understand all this
    confusion about a simple matter like this..

    Although I was unaware that you have been running an account with Colonial
    Networks (which Brian owns).. I'd say that by authority of Another Viewer..
    aka.. John Moran.. you have just been badly indebted for life.. Probably
    consisting of Bank loans and other high finance proceedures to liquidate..

    Sorry we missed your telephone call, I will be calling you real shortly..
    See you soon.. BTW.. tell Jailcall to call in sick... That'll teach to mess
    up our riding...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 3, 2004
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