Dunno about the rest of you, but I can't seem to get the hang of Christmas. I admit, I have never really been good at it, and it seems to be getting worse each year. The shopping centres, inside resound with christmas music, all good cheer and love to everyone, and, out in the parking area, folk will kill for space. Trouble is, I think, that the ending of the old year and the starting of the new tends to make me quietly morose. Having a birthday (yes, another one) between Christmas and NY doesn't help either. Anyhow, from sitting quietly in the corner, drinking my Coopers and watching the Yuletide stoushes going on, I'd just like to wish you all a good Christmas, and all that you wish yourselves for you and yours for the New Year. With a bit of luck we might all survive the festive season, and, by mid January (hopefully) aus.moto might have calmed down a wee bit. BTW, the good wishes are for all.....including Gerry, GWF, and what's'is name that hates Hondas. Also, BTW, the "magic" word to allow this post thru Google is scrivero....which sounds very nearly appropriate. regards,CrazyCam