It's back *ON*!!!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    After yesterday's disappointing experience at Twin Peaks with the loss
    of have the race due to the football programming manager, I thought
    Twin Peaks was completely out and we (mostly me) would not bother
    darken their tables again.

    There used to be another place in Mesquite who used to get most of my
    money I earned. The Ker's WingHouse was a fav hangout of mine. I used
    to get really good service and okay food. They used to cater to the
    needs of their customers and acted like they appreciated your business
    and the basic fact you chose to go in there among the MANY other
    restaurants in Mesquite. Somewhere along the line, Crawford Ker
    managed to end up stuck with a manager who thought in his head this
    "football" crowd would be where the money was. Someone like me or the
    many others who enjoyed other interests would go in there and want to
    watch Speed Channel for the races and just "go fast tv" were refused
    access to the tv. It got to the point that you had to wade through
    tables and tables of "no tipping" assholes who couldn't afford to get
    PPV at their houses and would buy a cola then sit for 4 hours at the
    table eating pretzels and getting free refills. Those of us who wanted
    to gather up crowds of people and go in there buying dinners and
    spending an hour or so watching the races and enjoying fellowshipping
    were told we weren't welcome because of the "football crowd" didn't
    like it.

    Enter Twin Peaks. This is the newest form of burgers, fries and skin
    deep service to hit Mesquite. It's a cute place to go and even showed
    an effort to make the biker crowd feel welcome. I found this because
    one day I wanted to see if WingHouse changed their views and found
    they did....they changed to a boarded up building. The last several
    times I've been in Twin Peaks I've have good experiences, as I've
    remarked on this newsgroup. This last Sunday was a bit different. When
    we finally got there, after sitting at the mall for TOO long waiting
    on one of the riders, they already had the races on. When we sat down,
    and during the middle of one of the races, the menu pops up and the
    channel gets changed to football. I looked around and there was no one
    else in the joint. There was NO reason to have changed all the tvs to
    football. I began to loudly protest and was told by Misty (our pretty
    server who was BTW pictured in the pics Bill C posted) that I needed
    to protest to the guy in the red shirt. I asked where he was and she
    pointed him out...then advised me he wasn't in a good mood. That's
    okay by me, because I wasn't either at this point. When a crowd like
    that gets gathered up to feast at their place, you don't really want
    to piss them off. I went over and let this guy in the red shirt know
    what I felt about his channel changing and he advised me the owner
    wants the tvs on the football. He said they bought football and that's
    what they'd watch. I argued for a few minutes to point out that the
    people in his restaurant (me specifically) wanted to watch Speed
    Channel and were there just to watch that while we had lunch. As good
    of an argument as he made, he still didn't get around the fact of the
    customers in this place didn't want to watch a "pre-game" show talking
    about some football game by a bunch of has-been old men as they
    compare someone's foot twitch to their asshole. *WE WANTED TO WATCH
    of the tvs to Speed Channel, but not until after most of the race was
    already over. Well, as you might imagine, this pissed me off. As much
    as I plug for Twin Peaks and even go head to head with Gusto on his
    Pig Pet place, this was just bullshit. The manager later caught me and
    told me that he was just the messenger and that it's the owner wanting
    football. I understand when it's their tvs and their dishes they can
    have what they want, but in the end it's who's filling up those

    Now, bikers are a weird bunch. We like all sorts of interests. We
    mostly like motorcycles. When we see a motorcycle on a television
    going 200mph in a track time run and riding the edge of a wheel rim to
    it's extreme, we stop and notice it. We will even go across a
    restaurant to see it. When we see a bike show on the television, we
    watch it. We will spend all week telling everyone we see about our
    disgust with OCC and yet if it's on the tube we look to see what
    they're doing to the bike.

    All these places trying to cater to bikes and bikers tend to go out of
    business because in the end they don't know what we want. Very few
    eating places for bikers actually make it successful. Simply putting a
    few signs out saying "Motorcycle and Snowmobile Parking Only" is funny
    and cute, but needs to be taken seriously. If we see that, don't muck
    with it. We think you want our business and we'll give it as long as
    you do us right.

    Well, I started thinking about all this and didn't want to let it go.
    I got on the computer and fired off a couple emails to the owner of
    Twin Peaks. It ended up at the GM's computer and I received a reply
    this afternoon. Here's the gist of the email:
    "At the end of the day it is what our guests want to see. We are
    researching different avenues to try and cater to everyone watching
    needs. I obviously do not want to lose your business over Sundays
    experience. Again I want to apologize for your visit. We will try to
    be more accommodating in the future."

    As I see it, the head to head challenge for the best biker hangout is
    back on!!!

    Sunday - Hot Bikes, Speed Channel (MotoGP), Hot Babes, Loud Rock
    Music, and Hot Babes!!!

    Where? Twin Peaks in Mesquite!

    Gather up @ MSF Course 10am and ride over at 11am. From now on, if
    you're not at the MSF on time, meet up at Twin Peaks....I ain't
    waiting and missing the races!
    Brian Walker, Sep 11, 2007
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  2. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    Big Ed will be glad to hear this info.

    redshad, Sep 11, 2007
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  3. Brian Walker

    louie Guest

    This morning I noticed the traffic stopped out on the interstate account
    construction. I used the opportunity to take a poll of the drivers that were
    just sitting there and welcomed someone to talk to, especially me. 13 out of
    100 had heard of twin peaks. 6 out of 100 had visited twin peaks. Out of the
    ones that had visited twin peaks, none went there to see what was on TV

    louie, Sep 11, 2007
  4. Brian Walker

    redshad Guest

    I think he is using the TV thing to throw a curve in what his wife
    might be thinking he is doing up there...kinda like a playboy
    magazine..." I only read the articles..I never look at the pictures
    honey." Maybe his wife has suggested that he get cable at home so he
    can watch the speed channel there. I bet its ..." Honey now you know
    we cant afford cable tv and I am never home to watch it anyway because
    I am always on the road." I bet she never thought to check and see how
    much he spends at Twin Peaks every week looking at those 16 year olds.
    I bet he could have cable in every room plus my house and

    redshad, Sep 11, 2007
  5. Brian Walker

    louie Guest


    I image since he got the CEO straightened out and they are going to be more
    accommodating the changes will be:

    a. layoff all those gals
    b. install more tv's
    c. go m/c parking only

    I'm buying stock.

    louie, Sep 11, 2007
  6. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, smart-asses....which would you rather watch when glancing
    through the restaurant looking at the next skimpy clad chick, MotoGP
    or the old guys talking about football players half their ages and
    whether they enjoy having some gel rubbed on their feet?

    I noticed when those tvs were on MotoGP, you were commenting. When
    they went to football pre-game shows you split.

    Besides, my wife doesn't have any question why I'm there. I even say
    "skimpy clad pretty girls, loud rock and roll music, motogp and more
    skimpy clad pretty girls" that order!
    Brian Walker, Sep 11, 2007
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