It's always the little things that get you

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Ruppster, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. :>
    :> in t.m, most threads could have that term applied.

    : Now there's an understatement.

    That's me, understated.
    George Pollard, Sep 29, 2005
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  2. Ruppster

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘BJay, 'sfsf' comes from the newsgroup, and stands for 'stoopid fukin smilie face'. The
    term was coined by someone who didn't like emoticons.
    'OT' is short for 'off topic', which on some newsgroups is used to
    distinguish posts that do not conform to the newsgroup topic, so that
    folks mey pass the thread by if they are only interested in on topic
    discussions. in t.m, most threads could have that term applied.
    (Hope This Helps)

    <George Pollard>

    ‘‘George, and ruppster, both of ya did help me. My momma told
    me early on.‘‘son, ya don't learn, lest ja ask’’
    Good seeing you, George Pollard, visiting us. I always thought your
    name George Pollard, sounded dignified, or like an actor, or, sounded
    like somebody! (heehee) <bjay> HIH? IDH (it did help)
    BJayKana, Sep 29, 2005
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  3. Ruppster

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘ Bjay, in. T,M.,most threads could have that term (OT)
    George Pollard

    ‘‘Now there's an understatement.’’

    ‘‘ Ya'll, what can I say? I've been working on that. But
    OTOH (on the other hand) (G) (grin) I have always maintained that
    Motorcyclist like to discuss OT stuff. We're all pretty alert, and
    smart, some of us might not look like it. But, there IS, a lotta OT BS,
    on this T.M NG. (SYlater, (BJAY)
    BJayKana, Sep 29, 2005
  4. : ‘‘George, and ruppster, both of ya did help me. My momma told
    : me early on.‘‘son, ya don't learn, lest ja ask’’
    : Good seeing you, George Pollard, visiting us. I always thought your
    : name George Pollard, sounded dignified, or like an actor, or, sounded
    : like somebody! (heehee) <bjay> HIH? IDH (it did help)

    Nope, I'm nobody, just a working stiff. I just use my name because I
    wasn't smart enough to start using a handle way back when I first started
    posting y to Usenet,, well that and I post my opinions and I'm not
    bashful, so why shouldn't I use my name? I wish I was dignified, or a
    successful actor (they're rich, right?) but until I win the lottery I
    won't be famous or rich.

    I will, however, get to meet the well-traveled Wakko next weekend.
    George Pollard, Sep 30, 2005
  5. Ruppster

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are going to be in good company, George.. He's for real.. Regards..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 30, 2005
  6. Ruppster

    Wakko Guest

    Thanks Bill. I will be in good company as well in Caliornia. For all the
    meaness that r.m.h. purportedly has, they are a fine bunch of folks for the
    most part. I've had nothing but good experiences at every IRL with them
    where I've been.

    I'm looking forward to meeting George too. He's often been all too close
    without me shaking his hand.
    Wakko, Sep 30, 2005
  7. Ruppster

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘bjay,Nope, I'm nobody, just a working stiff. I just use my
    name because I wasn't smart enough to start using a handle way back when
    I first started posting y to Usenet,, well that and I post my opinions
    and I'm not bashful, so why shouldn't I use my name? I wish I was
    dignified, or a successful actor (they're rich, right?) but until I win
    the lottery I won't be famous or rich.

    I will, however, get to meet the well-traveled Wakko next weekend.
    George Pollard

    I'll tell ya one thang, you are gonna meet SoooommmmmBOdy, 'ol
    BJayKana, Sep 30, 2005
  8. Ruppster

    Bill Walker Guest

    I haven't met George Pollard.. I'm sure .. like you.. that we've been around
    each other for years, just haven't had the pleasure.. He's also been an
    asset on this newsgroup and I've appreciated his contributions, for years..

    With no reservations, I'd suggest that both of you will be in good company..
    I'm looking forward to reading all about it, later.. Ya'll keep me in your
    thoughts while you enjoy each other's company.. hmmm Seems like I'm kinda
    tied close to the homestead for the next couple of weeks, anyway, but I'll
    sure be thinking of you guys.. Regards to you both..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Sep 30, 2005
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