It's all for our own safety, dear. And it's fairer.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. <Considers contents of garage and smiles>
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 5, 2005
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  2. Timo Geusch

    'Hog Guest

    So I will simply be driving a vehicle registered in another European
    country. Oh or are they going to make this an EU wide project covering
    every vehicle in every corner of the Great Project? What then happens
    to their revenue model when a sun storm takes out the satellite (s).
    It's as likely to deliver as a new EU wide Air Traffic control network

    'Hog, Jun 5, 2005
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  3. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    sweller scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Yes, yes, that was a rethorical question...
    *I* wasn't the one going on about speed limiters. My point is that a
    scheme like this will give whoever administers it a *complete* record
    of where every vehicle in the UK was at any given time. IMHO that is
    I read it as if it redistributes the fuel cost, and I don't think it'll
    do much about the congestion - if you have to go from A to B and
    there's no public transport, it matters eff-all how much the roads in
    between A and B are going to cost you.

    Not to mention I have this irrational fear that we suddenly find
    ourselves paying even more for transport again.

    Wearing my mini-economist hat I have to say that what annoys me is that
    again it's a highly regressive form of taxation if you live in a
    "congestion" area. While that probably won't stop people in my income
    percentile from driving everywhere, we're back to the "key workers"
    getting shafted - see London and the congestion tax.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005
  4. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Dr Zoidberg scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    <points at 'off' switch>

    Not to mention that there's a very, very big difference between a
    compulsory accurate tracking system and one that you voluntarily expose
    yourself to.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005
  5. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Steve Parry scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Don't give those cnuts ideas...
    Put a fence around the island and call it 'gulag'.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005
  6. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    Ben scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    Well, if my house purchase comes off and the M20 gets charged at the
    maximum of 1.34 per mile, I could say that I beat your 100 quid
    comfortably by another 47.40.

    Stick it up their arses they can, but you can *bet* that they'll find
    that the same focus group that is so pro-id cards will be very much
    pro-tracking as well.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005
  7. Timo Geusch

    Timo Geusch Guest

    'Hog scribbled on the back of a napkin:
    I can't quite see that happening - the motoring lobby in say, Germany,
    would kick up such a stink that the whole thing would go down like a
    leaden duck.

    Countries that have had plenty of exposure to unsavoury
    regimes/dictatorships (and there are quite a few in the EU) would
    probably make sure that the EU-wide model wouldn't fly.
    Timo Geusch, Jun 5, 2005
  8. Timo Geusch

    Ben Blaney Guest

    You haven't really swallowed that "key workers" bullshit from the
    opponents of the CC, have you? I thought you were smarter than that.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 5, 2005
  9. GSM OTD ~100m so is that good enough?
    GSM EOTD ~20m getting better

    Once the MS also has a built in GPS then it's going to be as good a
    D-GPS,around ~1-2m
    Boots Blakeley, Jun 5, 2005
  10. Timo Geusch

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    How many SOBs can you hoard in there?

    And it wouldn't even need to be particularly old bikes either.
    There isn't going to be much potential for a system that couldn't easily be
    disconnected even on something like my thundercat


    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Jun 5, 2005
  11. HoHum; yet another cack-handed idea floated by the anti-car lobby in the
    NuLabour party. Now the fuckers have just won the election and are
    secure for another 4 / 5 years, the crackpots in the party can have a
    bit of free time to enjoy themselves.

    Just imagine it though; you're doing a run some hundreds of miles away
    and find yourself having to make your way home at a time which
    co-incides with high road charging. Once or twice a year might be
    bearable, but for many drivers, it's a daily occurence.

    And what about all the office/service workers who don't have flexitime?
    Many thousands of them are going to fall foul of this on a daily basis.

    It's one of the most absurd proposals I've heard coming out of any
    government and the cripple-brains who thought this up should be locked
    in a cupboard.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 5, 2005
  12. Timo Geusch

    Ben Guest

    Aye, my 34 miles each way isn't an excessive commute and I was
    assuming that the M42 and M5 will be top rate.

    That said, I can actually do the commute via minor A and B roads and
    it's even a little shorter at 30 miles. Takes an extra half an hour
    though. Unless I'm on the bike.
    Ben, Jun 5, 2005
  13. Timo Geusch

    JackH Guest

    In terms of effecting a fucking nanny state?

    Depending on which alternative we're discussing, I think not.


    CBR1000 - Micra 1.3 (K11)

    BOTAFOT #110 D.Bot (University Of Speed) - BOTAFOF #29 - GHPOTHUF #29
    JackH, Jun 5, 2005
  14. Timo Geusch

    raden Guest

    Ah, but it's a congestion charge - so bikes should be exempt

    and take advantage of cheaper petrol and no road tax
    raden, Jun 5, 2005
  15. Timo Geusch

    sweller Guest

    Safe to say that the unthinking knee jerk reaction has sealed this,
    apparently, ill thought scheme's fate.

    The scheme may be quietly shelved only to be used as a stick to beat the
    fuel lobby next time they start whinging about the cost of fuel.

    Which is a shame as it, on the face of it, shifts the burden of emissions
    and congestion onto those causing it and away from rural users who have
    no real alternative but to use cars.
    sweller, Jun 5, 2005
  16. Timo Geusch

    sweller Guest

    ....but clears the way, once shelved, to increase fuel duty.
    sweller, Jun 5, 2005
  17. See sig!
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 5, 2005
  18. Interesting piece in one of the papers today about emissions, and CO2

    Domestic fridges and washing machines, for example, produce quite a lot.

    IMHO, forget moaning about CO2 emissions. Every bit of mankind's
    activity produces C02. Live with it or live in a fucking cave.

    Plant more trees instead.
    The Older Gentleman, Jun 5, 2005
  19. Timo Geusch

    sweller Guest

    That and find CO2 neutral generation methods. Personally rather than
    adventuring in the middle East I'd be spending the money on finding a
    replacement for fossil based petrol/fuel oils.
    sweller, Jun 5, 2005
  20. Timo Geusch

    JackH Guest

    Maybe if they'd proposed something a bit more reasonable, then they might
    not have got quite the same reaction.

    My gut instinct is that this is more the usual tactic of proposing something
    draconian, so that something else not likely to impress the populous is
    accepted, as the lesser of two, three or however many evils they feel they
    need to propose, to ensure they get their own way.

    Tis a fact though, that transport is a nice little money spinner for the
    Government as it is...
    To get to their office in the town, perchance? A clue: they're not all
    bumpkins who happen to work on a farm, those who live out in the sticks

    I mean, have you actually looked at the prices of houses in the countryside
    these days?


    CBR1000 - Micra 1.3 (K11)

    BOTAFOT #110 D.Bot (University Of Speed) - BOTAFOF #29 - GHPOTHUF #29
    JackH, Jun 5, 2005
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