It's aliiiiive!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JB, May 13, 2004.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    SO's ZZR250 with the replacement engine I won on Ebay for £17.00! Finished
    up reassembling the cooling system tonight and filled it up with fuel.
    Turned it over with the plugs out to get the oil round etc. Fired up about
    3rd prod of the starter.
    That''ll be another one up for grabs on ebay in a week or two then.

    JB, May 13, 2004
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  2. JB

    fish Guest

    How much you after?

    fish, May 13, 2004
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  3. JB

    JB Guest

    Let me MOT & run it for a week or so to give the new lump a proper
    shakedown, and I'll then let you know by email if you prefer. I've got a few
    good photos if you want me to zap them over to you? The bike is a G-plate,
    with 34k on it. The 'new' lump has 29k and so far sounds very sweet indeed.
    The old engine 'lost' a big end bearing by a previous owner, but otherwise
    it's perfect for spares ( it's included FOC of course). Bike has excellent
    wheels/tyres/discs/mechanicals, newish downpipes, good plastics (in blue
    metallic). Glass cracked in rh mirror but not much else wrong that I can see
    except for a new battery I'll have to put in it next week. Also Datatagged.
    Located in Melksham, Wiltshire.

    JB, May 14, 2004
  4. JB

    Christofire Guest

    I'll fix a winch to the daytona, shall I?
    Christofire, May 14, 2004
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