It's a runner!!

Discussion in 'Classic Motorbikes' started by The Older Gentleman, Oct 4, 2003.

  1. The Older Gentleman

    Rob Guest

    I think it was on Fri, 17 Oct 2003 00:16:24 +0100 that Nigel Eaton
    No probs, mine was built in Reditch not Madras <G>.

    For the time (late 60s/early 70s), it was a bloody good bike, and a
    lot more reliable than my mate's Velo Thruxton, and better by an order
    of magnitude than the Beeser C15 it replaced, even though it was 10
    years older than the Ceefer.

    Broseley, Shropshire
    1991 Yamaha XV 535 Virago
    1988 Saab 900i
    Rob, Oct 17, 2003
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  2. The Older Gentleman

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Bacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Rob
    Chennai now, old bean. We have to move with the times. Apparently. :^)
    Oh yes. I had a C15 for a while. Only bike I ever owned that was faster
    in third than in top.

    Unlike my Bantam. I was *gutted* when I realised that I'd bought a bike
    with a fucked gearbox. I took it round to Mike, the local BSA expert.

    "What's the problem?"
    "S'fucked, I can't get fourth"
    <pitying look>
    "It only *has* three gears..."

    Happy days.
    Nigel Eaton, Oct 17, 2003
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  3. God, they were horrible. As was the Starfire that they metamorphosed
    The Older Gentleman, Oct 17, 2003
  4. The Older Gentleman

    Adler Guest

    My first car was a 67 Herald 1200cc that was older than me.
    My 1954 Adler MB200 is 14 years older than me.
    Adler, Oct 17, 2003
  5. The Older Gentleman

    Andy Clews Guest

    Thus spake The Older Gentleman unto the assembled multitudes:
    My C15 was bliss after the Lambretta that came before it. And I loved
    it forever after passing my test on it. Of course, I abused it mercilessly
    and eventually had to throw it away, but I had a lorra laughs on it.

    But that said, yes, they were horrible, it must be said. ;-)
    Andy Clews, Oct 17, 2003
  6. The Older Gentleman

    Lozzo Guest

    Nigel Eaton wibbled incoherently...
    Where's Bear with the YTC#s when you need him?

    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49, MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14, KoBV#3.
    Url for ukrm newbies :
    Lozzo, Oct 17, 2003
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