Italy Wins......

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by postiebike, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. postiebike

    Tex Guest

    Only thanks to an incompetent dutch hospital.

    Doohan's toughest opponents: Gardner, Lawson, Schwantz, Rainey
    Rossi's toughest opponents: Gibernau, Biaggi, Barros
    Rossi had a hard time beating Sete Gibernau.
    No he didn't. Wasn't even close
    Tex, Sep 30, 2005
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  2. postiebike

    Tex Guest

    Both of those guys finished ahead of Gibernau. Seems they were harder to
    beat than ROssi........
    Tex, Sep 30, 2005
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  3. postiebike

    postiebike Guest

    <<Both of those guys finished ahead of Gibernau

    Its a normal thing to happen when you have a factory-works 500cc/4 -v-
    a private 500cc/twin that Sete roade at the time.

    Mind you these year Sete is riding his-deamons, lost the plot fully?
    postiebike, Sep 30, 2005
  4. postiebike

    Nev.. Guest

    I think the twin was only 400cc.

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Sep 30, 2005
  5. postiebike

    Tex Guest

    Wrong. He rode Doohan's bike after Mik crashed.
    Tex, Sep 30, 2005
  6. postiebike

    Toosmoky Guest

    Barry Sheene had Gibbers worked out pretty well. "Fucking useless" was the
    That was the Aprilia.
    Toosmoky, Sep 30, 2005
  7. postiebike

    Knobdoodle Guest

    The way Gibberer carries on about his bad luck (looking to the heavens
    after each ****-up) you might think that he's the unluckiest feller but
    remember that THREE times he was in the right-place at the right time to
    benefit from another's tragic misfortune.
    Takuma Aoki had that nifty works NSR500V and damn near won his last race on
    it at Phillip Island in 1997 (but he didn't realise Mick had crashed out
    and he thought he was fighting Criville for 2nd so didn't really push it).
    Gibberer only got that bike when Aoki crashed and was paralysed.
    Then he got Mick's works V4 when Mick was partially paralysed and he later
    got Katoh's works V5 when Katoh was killed!
    Add in the fact that he's a Spaniard in a series controlled by Spain (and
    mainly sponsored by Spain) and it's easy to see that he's just a fairly
    good rider with enormously good luck! (But he's up against Rossi who is a
    much better rider who is lucky too!)
    Knobdoodle, Oct 1, 2005
  8. postiebike

    Nev.. Guest

    FWIW I think his win the round after Katoh was killed (did he get
    Katoh's bike that quickly?) showed that he had the ability to win under
    what must have been some seriously fucked mental and emotional

    '03 ZX12R
    Nev.., Oct 1, 2005
  9. postiebike

    postiebike Guest

    <<<Max near beat doohan first year out on a private bike...

    <<No he didn't. Wasn't even close


    1989 Lawson 228, doohans first year 9th 81 points [-147]
    1998 doohan 260 points, Max's first year, private bike 206 [-52]
    1999 doohan 33 points, Creville {LOL} 267 [-234] "To finish first you
    must first finish"
    2000 Roberts 258 points, Rossi 2nd 209 [-49] his first year and the
    lowest spot he has ever finished, all other seasons first, and
    W.Champion [on 2 different brands]
    2001 Rossi 325 points, Max [3rd year, factory bike] 219 [-106]
    Rest is history....

    postiebike, Oct 3, 2005
  10. postiebike

    Tex Guest

    Never beat Doohan across the track. And back then, Barros and Gbernau
    couldn't win races. They're finding it much easier to do nowdays........
    Tex, Oct 3, 2005
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