It sure is quite

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    No post for a day or two...everyone must be out riding. Should be some
    good ride reports comming in soon.

    redshad, Mar 25, 2008
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  2. redshad

    Mr. JayT Guest

    I know it? I called my ''server, and complained....telling him that
    something must be 'rong, that my T.M. NG was apparantly not
    registering....he told me to KHA. heck(!)

    AFA riding, my Honey and I did a little bit, out her on the rurals. She
    wanted to here the Valk, with all them' Baffles out.....she loves that
    hotRod sound......yeeeeeHa. MrjayT.=
    Mr. JayT, Mar 25, 2008
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