Admittedly, I did have to bribe it with a new battery...
I cannot tell a lie. Actually, it's sort of undead atm - I could charge it up to over 12 volts, but it would slip back once the charging stopped. It's been sitting happily at about 9.5 for the last week.
I assume you're testing it with a multimeter? Test it with a load (a headlamp bulb or some such), then see. It's fucked. I suggest fixing wires to the terminals and lick them. To see what happens.
sweller wrote If he is testing it with a multimeter and all he can see is 9.5V he don't need to go any further than his local battery emporium for a battery with 6 rather than the apparent 4 working cells he has already got.
Already done that: brown stain on the back of the garage door. No, no, I'm sure it's salvageable, just needs a really aggressive boost. Time to crank up Old Sparky...