For limited values of lives obviously. My home made variable resistor was fitted, a few basic checks made and vigorous jumping up and down on the kickstart ensued. A lot of effort for bugger all result really. Half an hour later, once the "if you get a pain in the chest have a toke on this spray" had kicked in and I regained my peripheral vision, I decided that it was probably more than "it has been standing for a week" syndrome. Three seconds of diagnostic looking and I reconnected the four wires that are the loom to that side of the bike. It started first kick. Rocking. The burnt out coil turned out to be a symptom rather than a cause as the little charging light didn't go out. With the only place to go being the regulator box the side panel was duly detached. Three bolts, all of 15 seconds each. Good innit? Moving the wires to gain access to the regulator cover showed the cause of the troubles. One had fallen off its terminal. I put it back on and everything worked as it should. Except... I found another wire. only attached one end and no obvious place to put it, so I took it off. Hey Ho, my pot is more than half full. I have a working bike, I didn't actually die and I have a bit of wire left over.