Isn't the online tax and SORN service good

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by deadmail, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    You know I think it's great that I can do my tax and sorn from the
    safety of my office. No need to go outside and risk being mugged or

    It almost makes the 170 quid road fund license on my gas-guzzler worth
    paying. Almost.

    And online income tax returns. Aren't they super? Especially the
    calculator that lets you 'tune' the figures until they look 'right'
    <nervous cough>. I'm really looking forward to mid-June when I've got
    all of my pieces of paper together and have the joy of this again.
    deadmail, Feb 21, 2006
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  2. deadmail

    wessie Guest

    emerged from their own little world to say
    Odd how they can get IT that collects revenue to work efficiently yet
    systems used in spending depts are piss poor.
    wessie, Feb 21, 2006
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  3. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    Why's that odd? I'd invest in income before systems for paying bills
    quickly if it was my money.
    deadmail, Feb 21, 2006
  4. deadmail

    wessie Guest

    emerged from their own little world to say
    It is (partly) your money and should be redistributed to the points of need
    efficiently rather than going into the pockets of EKS brought in to sort
    out the various bottlenecks.
    wessie, Feb 21, 2006
  5. deadmail

    deadmail Guest

    Oh, I don't deny that but if *I* was running a government department I'd
    sort out my sources of income before my sources of expenditure.
    deadmail, Feb 21, 2006
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