[URL]http://www.rexswain.com/eicar.html[/URL] One for the techies.
Not dodgy at all. IIRC one just saves that string as a .com or .exe file to test if a virus checker is working.
In uk.rec.motorcycles, Cane amazed us all with this pearl of wisdom: Dodgy how? I didn't need to read it to know it's a test virus. You just download it and scan your PC, your AV software should find it. It's just a bit of benign code that AV software writers put in their signature files. It won't do anything bad if that's what you're worried about.
It's fine. Check out www.eicar.org - It means " European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research", but I don't think that they use the term in full any more. Get more test viruses here: http://www.webmail.us/testvirus
Why would anyone want "more test viruses"? -- Paul. CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird BOTAFOT #4 BOTAFOF #30 MRO #24 OMF #15
I was going to say that if you're checking something out I wouldn't take anything as gospel from a site that's linked from the original claim. As the claim Sophos will detect it a quick rummage around their site shows this: http://www.sophos.com/support/knowledgebase/article/27.html It appears to be ok.