IS there any way to cut upa very large pdf file into manageable chunks?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Salad Dodger, May 3, 2011.

  1. Salad Dodger

    Pip Guest

    Encouraging theft of holy paper towels, eh? You're going daahn for this
    one. All the way daahn.

    Having said that, I have a drawer in the workshop that's full of wedges
    of paper towels - and I have no memory of their origin or acquisition.
    I won't use them, of course - they're a non-renewable resource and I
    have the commodious roll hanging off the wall. Not only that, but the
    towels are soft and the roll is slightly abrasive, although less
    absorbent. I keep the towels for best, see.
    Pip, May 5, 2011
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  2. Salad Dodger

    Krusty Guest

    Good man.
    It's just my interpretation of "The Lord giveth..." God botherers are
    allowed to interpret things to suit their own needs so I don't see why
    I shouldn't too.
    Krusty, May 5, 2011
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