I've got a CD I want to upload, might be an interesting change for some . Especially the ones that appreciate a good wordsmith. -- www.ratrodz.co.uk XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike XV1000 TR1 Chop [Rot 13 it] Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!
uploaded TVBOJT see the read me first -- www.ratrodz.co.uk XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike XV1000 TR1 Chop [Rot 13 it] Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!
No Idea, wasn't me -- www.ratrodz.co.uk XJ900 Trike ** GS850 Trike XV1000 TR1 Chop [Rot 13 it] Some people are like slinkys.... no real use but it makes you smile when they fall down stairs!
That's wonderful. TYVM. Disappointed to see, however, that "Isabel Makes Love Upon National Monuments" isn't reckoned to be among TVB.