Is overtaking banned now?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SIRPip, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. SIRPip

    boots Guest

    I'd go with this one. I went to Brum for work earlier this week so 90%
    motorway from here. I go flashed a couple of times by middle lane hogs
    after overtaking them. I presume because I'd exceeded the 69.99 mph
    they fell it's their duty to enforce.
    boots, Aug 13, 2010
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  2. SIRPip

    ginge Guest

    I've always assumed a flash on the motorway is just someone politely
    giving a visual queue that it's safe to pull back in front of them,
    rather than a rebuke.
    ginge, Aug 13, 2010
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  3. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, ginge
    Do you honestly believe that the sort of arsehole who drives for miles
    in the centre lane has sufficient situational awareness to tell you when
    it's safe to pull back in?
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Aug 13, 2010
  4. SIRPip

    boots Guest

    From a truck a single flash I'll go with your explanation, from a CLOD
    a series of flashes my guess was I'd disturbed their sleep by
    boots, Aug 13, 2010
  5. SIRPip

    ginge Guest

    Yes, as nobody could possibly have cause to critisise any aspect of my
    driving, ever.

    ginge, Aug 13, 2010
  6. SIRPip

    Fr Jack Guest

    You callous bastard, sir!

    Surely the following would be less cruel and just as effective:

    The prisoner will be:

    Bluned on ye Grunions
    and krelled on his Grotts
    Ye legges will be twergled
    and pulled thru’ ye motts!

    His Nukes will be Fongled
    split thrice on yon Thulls
    Then laid on ye Quottle
    and hung by ye Bhuls!

    Twice thocked on the Phneflic,
    Yea broggled thrice twee.
    Ye moggs wiIl be grendled
    and stretched six foot three!

    By now, if ye victim
    show not ye sorrow,
    Send him home. Tell him,
    "Come back to-morrow"
    Fr Jack, Aug 13, 2010
  7. SIRPip

    Ben Guest

    Because their speed and distance perception is so bad, and their
    knowledge of road traffic law is so lack, that they don't know that
    what you're doing is safe and legal.
    Ben, Aug 13, 2010
  8. SIRPip

    Ben Guest

    Na, it's so much better when they wash their windscreen at you.
    Ben, Aug 13, 2010
  9. SIRPip

    CT Guest

    They do it because lorry drivers do it. So it must A Good Thing,

    Same as people who swing out to the centre of the road before turning
    left, like they're in an 40-ton artic rather than a Ford fucking Ka.
    CT, Aug 13, 2010
  10. SIRPip

    CT Guest

    <mode=Roy Walker>
    Is the right answer!
    CT, Aug 13, 2010
  11. SIRPip

    SIRPip Guest

    Obviously. Thing is, truckers are quite good at it, but I can foresee
    problems if one was to trust the "Pull back in now" signal from a CLOC
    I fucknear rammed one of them in the nearside doors the other day: the
    driveway entrance was at least as wide as his Discovery was long, yet
    he pulled right across the road and slowed to less than walking pace
    before abruptly swinging back across my front end. That would have
    been an interesting insurance claim.
    SIRPip, Aug 13, 2010
  12. SIRPip

    Tim Guest

    They do it because lorry drivers do it. So it must A Good Thing,

    Same as people who swing out to the centre of the road before turning
    left, like they're in an 40-ton artic rather than a Ford fucking Ka.
    Tim, Aug 13, 2010
  13. SIRPip

    ogden Guest

    Except undertaking, while not a specific offence in iself, could see you
    done for careless driving. Or dangerous driving if it goes pear shaped.

    DAMHIK, etc.
    ogden, Aug 13, 2010
  14. SIRPip

    SIRPip Guest

    That can be bloody uncomfortable. Not to mention laying you open to a
    dose of Legionnaire's.
    SIRPip, Aug 13, 2010
  15. SIRPip

    Gyp Guest

    I've spent the last few days trolling around between Amalfi, Positano
    and Agerola, and some time on Capri, and watching the Italian drivers
    and riders has made me realise just how poor UK driving standards have

    Initially I thought that they were mad, but having paid more attention I
    realised that they're actually a bit like a colony of ants swarming
    about but working together to try and keep the traffic moving; everyone
    seems happy to go, stop, pull in, reverse, overtake, Be overtaken, all
    for the greater good while still trying to make progress themselves.

    There's still a lot of testiculating, but it's almost as Italy has
    introduced a No Cunts rule on the roads and I for one rather like it.
    Gyp, Aug 13, 2010
  16. SIRPip

    CT Guest

    Gyp wrote:
    [Italian driving]
    <fx:drums fingers>

    He'll be along shortly, I'm sure...
    CT, Aug 13, 2010
  17. SIRPip

    Jim Guest

    For me this is the key to why British drivers are so cranky. They are a
    bunch of queue-imaginers. By competing over every inch they all get
    nowhere, like silent comics getting stuck getting through a door at the
    same time.
    Jim, Aug 13, 2010
  18. SIRPip

    Cab Guest

    It's funny you say that. A couple of years ago whilst doing the three peaks, we were on a road
    going somewhere where the ol' Bill had closed the inside lane in the distance, about half a
    mile away. Everyone had moved into the centre and outside lanes well before the traffic cones
    had started. And I mean well before (It was a very clear day and visibility was great).

    I distinctly remember some bloke in a motor on the inside lane, thinking "well, bollox to this,
    I'll move over when the cones start in the distance" (which I thought, "fair enough"). The
    driver of our minibus saw this and went out of his way to block him and I was doubly surprised
    when I saw another couple of vehicles in the centre lane also move to block him too.

    I really didn't see the point in that.
    Cab, Aug 13, 2010
  19. SIRPip

    SIRPip Guest

    What's wrong with the handbrake?
    SIRPip, Aug 13, 2010
  20. SIRPip

    Chris Dugan Guest

    There's already part of the off-road test that's similar to that... the
    emergency stop and swerve and avoid parts are both done at 32mph
    (minimum) and you have to go between pairs of cones set 1.5m apart.

    See here:

    After duh gubbmint introduced this new test I was surprised that they
    didn't bugger about with the car test too, I don't see why us bikers
    should be singled out; especially given the erratic lines the majority of
    cage drivers follow on the roads. Now, apparently, they're going to
    lengthen the distance that the swerve and avoid is performed over so
    it'll now be like a gentle "avoid that manhole cover maneuver" rather
    than the "got to use counter-steering to do this or I'll take out the
    cones" as it used to be.
    Chris Dugan, Aug 13, 2010
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