Is it ok for a Canadian to post here?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. wessie

    petrolcan Guest

    the cont known as Tecumseh says...
    Fucking hell, you can tell you are a fucking paddy child.
    petrolcan, Feb 8, 2005
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  2. wessie

    Veggie Dave Guest

    Now, if certain other people learnt to snip the extraneous crap, too,
    then we'd all be happy

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    Extreme Racing
    Toxic Shock Syndrome Gets More Girls Than Me
    Veggie Dave, Feb 8, 2005
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  3. wessie

    Lozzo Guest

    Veggie Dave says...
    You fucking tell 'em.
    Lozzo, Feb 8, 2005
  4. wessie

    John Higgins Guest

    I seem to recall you said you were in the TO area, in which case you
    might want to fix your clock.

    John Higgins, Feb 8, 2005
  5. wessie

    Tecumseh Guest

    That is funny. Reminds me of my Irish dad when I would get him to say
    Tecumseh, Feb 8, 2005
  6. wessie

    Tecumseh Guest

    That is the best you can do?
    I didn't come here to get into pissing matches with a bunch MC's. You can
    cut me up all you want. But, I will always respond when someone calls my
    country full of "dull but harmless" people.
    I appreciate a NG that is on edge and in your face but that comment was so
    fucking high schoolish.....grow fucking up.
    If you guys want to have only UKers here fine .
    Flame Suit on!
    Tecumseh, Feb 8, 2005
  7. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Veggie Dave
    Snip the extraneous crap? Are you trying to shut UKRM down?

    Fair cop, BTW. I was pissed.

    Wicked Uncle Nigel - Manufacturer of the "Champion-105" range of rearsets

    ZZR1100, Enfield 500 Curry House Racer "The Basmati Rice Burner",
    Honda GL1000K2 (On its hols) Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager "Oh, Oh, It's so big"
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, Feb 8, 2005
  8. wessie

    Bob Mc Guest

    Me too, when I speak Swiss german.
    Bob Mc, Feb 8, 2005
  9. wessie

    Ace Guest

    Well that always sounds dutch to me anyway. I tend to get spoken to in
    German quite a lot in Alsace, as they realise I'm a non-native French
    speaker and just assume I must be german-speaking. Whether they
    actually think I have a german accent I don't know, but most proper
    frogs will eventually twig me as english, not kraut.
    Ace, Feb 8, 2005
  10. wessie

    Bob Mc Guest

    The most damaging for my pride was when someone from England
    who could speak no German complained about my English accent!
    Bob Mc, Feb 9, 2005
  11. wessie

    darsy Guest

    I'm after one of these:

    I can't work out what your email address is - can you email it to me :
    darsy @ sticky . co . uk ?


    And if it's too much hassle, don't worry about it.
    darsy, Feb 9, 2005
  12. wessie

    John Higgins Guest

    The address in the headers is unadulterated. I'll have a look and see
    if I can find it locally. I'll let you know how it goes
    John Higgins, Feb 9, 2005
  13. wessie

    darsy Guest

    by you. Google groups mangles them.
    ta - don't go out of your way, mind.
    darsy, Feb 9, 2005
  14. wessie

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Feb 9, 2005
  15. wessie

    darsy Guest

    <fx: thinks>

    A very generous offer - you've not read the "It's jinxed" thread yet,
    have you?


    will they let you order it though? If I try, they say they won't ship
    electronic items to the UK. Although, perhaps you have special
    dispensation, given your employers.
    darsy, Feb 9, 2005
  16. wessie

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ah **** it, it's only a motorbike.
    I'll order it from .com and have it shipped to my US Military postal
    address, then bring it to the UK in my suitcase.
    Ben Blaney, Feb 9, 2005
  17. wessie

    darsy Guest

    you're a gent and no mistake. I'll make sure it's fixed by whenever it
    was you were talking about a trackday (March sometime?)
    smashing. If it helps you with customs or anything, I don't need the
    packaging. Work out what I owe you in GBP and I'll sort it out.
    darsy, Feb 9, 2005
  18. wessie

    darsy Guest

    Blaney's offered a less-stress solution, so don't worry about it - but
    thanks anyway.
    darsy, Feb 9, 2005
  19. looking and sounding like Dave Lee Travis does you no favours!

    (replace spam with nickname to reply)


    Triumph 955iSS / GSF1200 bandit / CG125
    Adrienne M Bonwick, Feb 9, 2005
  20. wessie

    Higgins@work Guest

    OK, I'll stand down.
    Higgins@work, Feb 9, 2005
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