Is Geeky Rider Really Sunny in Disguise?

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Calgary, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    whoo.. hoooo.. I'm crushed.. You guys slay me with your juvenile
    responses... First you are assuming that someone is "invited" .. sheesh..
    mjt and Bill Walker have a little history on this newsgroup.. I've never
    invited the kid to do anything with me.. much less ride a motorcycle.. For
    the most part, I don't acknowledge he exists..

    mjt is most famous, not for riding but calling "abuse report lines" to
    complain and try to get someone's service "dropped".. Most providers have a
    lot of experience with Michael, so he dedicates many of his posts to
    counseling others to do the same thing... In Texas . we call these kinds of
    schoolkids who run to the teacher with all that whining, "Tattletales"..
    Not very well thought of, in these parts..
    Bill Walker, Jan 17, 2005
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  2. <>I absolutely THINK (grin)..that ole Calgary won't <even> put a Walker
    on, or in, or whatever ya'll do, to us bad guys <in> KILLfile.   Dandy
    is having way 2 much fun...and trying to over take in popularity, Mr.
    Bill Walker, the champ of txMotoNG'ers.
    <>><<><>><><><><><> I reread the above, by me?? I don't understand what
    I typed (smile)(?)<> S0, In simple'er terms, I meant that Don Bins, aka
    Calgary, wouldnt dare put Bill Walker iin a KillFile. I think, that's
    what I meant. cheeWahwah, Do ya'll ever type one thang, and it wasnt at
    all what you were thinking at the time??? That is one ''disavantage of
    emailing and posting'' you can't TAKE IT BACK....what ever one types,
    how they word it, Is, in stone!!!!!
    anyone agree??????? bjay
    ‹›‘One of the advantages bowling has over Golf, is that you seldom
    lose a bowling Ball›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 17, 2005
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  3. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I go most days never even thinking of Mike Tobler...believe it or not.

    The best thing about him is that he wrote a book (I think co-authored). I
    read it. It was full of many lines of thought that skipped around and wasn't
    very insightful. Then again, I'm not into Linux. I found my FreeBSD manual
    to be much more entertaining. Even my Solaris Admin Cert is more
    entertaining to read.

    But, he does have a book on the bookshelves....I'll give him that.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  4. <>I absolutely THINK (grin)..that ole Calgary won't <even> put a Walker
    on, or in, or whatever ya'll do, to us bad guys <in> KILLfile.   Dandy
    is having way 2 much fun...and trying to over take in popularity, Mr.
    Bill Walker, the champ of txMotoNG'ers.


    <>Vurry innurstin' observation, Bjay.. I'll certainly have to admit that
    I'm definitely flattered by the number of imitations that have resulted
    from all the reeky folks <chuckle> being influenced by me.. The cost of
    fame and being original, is the responsibility that is inherent .. I
    humbly bow to your astuteness in recognizing that the sacrifice of
    "popularity" must be a portion of that "cost".. Thank you ..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    BW, I really think Calgary is one from over there, that wants to keep
    this ''flame feud'' going. I believe he is the main show dawg over
    there. My post was aimed mainly at Don, it annoys me for him to keep
    acting like he isnt on here that much.
    Like he really has an interesting Life, and he criticizes others that
    are on here real often. I know he means you. But he could be talking
    about me and many others. He insinuates constantly, about you not having
    friends or a Life. He dosn't know what kinda life you have or know some
    of his RecMoto friends's Life styles. He might, personally know a
    few.<> I know you do, on our group.
    THIS is my problem with him and a few of the others. I don't care what
    else they say about you, they can call you the worst of worst. That is
    just talk to me. I have never posted a comment on ''yours' and theirs''
    issues. It doesnt interest me. I scan down the ''threads'', read some
    of the stuff, and when I read, something that's ridiculously unFair, or
    stupid, I zero in, and say my 2 cents.

    ‹›‘One of the advantages bowling has over Golf, is that you seldom
    lose a bowling Ball›››BJAY›››
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Jan 17, 2005
  5. Calgary

    Andrew Guest

    I tried the new Solaris, I ran it for a day, then wiped the drive and
    went on to Mandrake. Now I'm running Mepis on that machine.
    Andrew, Jan 17, 2005
  6. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    <>I absolutely THINK (grin)..that ole Calgary won't <even> put a Walker
    on, or in, or whatever ya'll do, to us bad guys <in> KILLfile. Dandy
    is having way 2 much fun...and trying to over take in popularity, Mr.
    Bill Walker, the champ of txMotoNG'ers.
    <>><<><>><><><><><> I reread the above, by me?? I don't understand what
    I typed (smile)(?)<> S0, In simple'er terms, I meant that Don Bins, aka
    Calgary, wouldnt dare put Bill Walker iin a KillFile. I think, that's
    what I meant. cheeWahwah, Do ya'll ever type one thang, and it wasnt at
    all what you were thinking at the time??? That is one ''disavantage of
    emailing and posting'' you can't TAKE IT BACK....what ever one types,
    how they word it, Is, in stone!!!!!
    anyone agree??????? bjay
    <>'One of the advantages bowling has over Golf, is that you seldom
    lose a bowling Ball>>>BJAY>>>

    Unless you manage to post at 3am and cancel the post before anyone else
    reads it. Generally though, if you cancel the post, it'll throw up a bunch
    of red flags and everyone who wants to will be analyzing it to see what they
    can pick apart and use against you. Sometimes it's better just to leave the
    post as is and be happy.
    Brian Walker, Jan 17, 2005
  7. Calgary

    Bill Walker Guest

    Say there .. trash.. I haven't received a personal e-mail from you in a very
    long while..Bill Walker hasn't mentioned Sunny in a long while, either...
    Funny you'd use Sunny (Leonel Williams) defense as a means to show up..
    Group Hug..
    Bill Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  8. Calgary

    Rob Gill Guest

    See what happens when you don't pay attention and you reply to a post in
    reeky, but you don't notice that the only reply-to header that pops up is

    If anyone was hurt, harmed, disappointed or disillusioned by the
    unintentional cross post, you have my apologies

    Rob Gill, Jan 18, 2005
  9. Calgary

    Rob Gill Guest

    In the other room?
    Please tell me, I'm just dying to find out.
    Rob Gill, Jan 18, 2005
  10. Calgary

    Rob Gill Guest

    Yup, it's my laptop.

    It's RedHat Fedora Core 2 and setting the host name is easy, I just
    haven't been bothered.
    Rob Gill, Jan 18, 2005
  11. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I had someone here recently tell me that I was "pirating" Solaris by
    downloading it....

    I have copies of Solaris for intel and sun. I don't really care for the
    intel's too buggy. I had a laptop that a guy wanted to see if I
    could get Solaris on it. On 2.8, they didn't have PCMCIA information worth a
    crap. I borrowed the information files from a Debian install and made it
    work for the Solaris. I don't know if the guy still has that laptop, but he
    sure was surprised to see Solaris running on it with full PCMCIA support.
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  12. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I know she's used "TexasHeat". Was that not an alias? Besides that, her name
    is Leonel Williams...not Sunny. That being the case, there's two aliases
    she's used.

    There have been others, but those two stand out for sure.

    Try again, texgays! Wanna send out some more emails? I got yours, but I
    didn't get "Iggy's". Are you "Iggy"?
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  13. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I guess I got it all correct except for the didn't know how. So, are you
    gonna change it now? :)
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  14. Calgary

    Calgary Guest

    And yet a quick Google search turned up no posts to TxMoto by anyone
    named TexasHeat. I am sure Brian has a good explanation for that.

    Your Friend in Calgary
    Don Binns
    84 - Virago 1000

    You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck
    Calgary, Jan 18, 2005
  15. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    You're a lying motherfucker!

    I'm sick of doing your research because you're too lazy and/or too stupid!

    Here's the information:

    "Brian knew I was
    Texas heat because I told him over a month ago
    that I had started posting to rec. motorcycles
    by that name. I fully expected him to call me
    on it."

    She's also used the alias "Tracker" before. And for the record, the bitch
    never told me she was using that alias before she was caught using it to
    flame people with.

    Now, why don't you and Road Plow go find some fat natives to run over,
    because you sure aren't doing too good with two people here in Texas.
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  16. <snip>

    Research? Odd that your lying father and you have been notably silent
    when you are faced with the many lies has caught you in.

    Like Tim Morrow's recently-posted research:

    ***begin quote***

    The definitive source point of all this Walker crap was this
    'contribution' from
    a Texas poster who cross posted to both and reeky:


    For the record, this was the first message of the first thread that
    got cross
    posted, and it was cross posted TO reeky FROM in
    response to a
    thread that had been ongoing in ALONE since Christmas
    Day under
    the subject "Help....please???". It was morphed into "A Ride for
    Jackie the
    Chopper Girl" by David in the message quoted above, coincidentally at
    the time
    of the initial cross post.

    After the exchange of a mere 15 additional messages (eight of which
    from about six regulars and seven of which originated
    from about
    three regulars), our friend the self appointed High
    Sheriff (who
    was himself responsible for three of the subsequent cross posted
    messages!) then
    posted in ONLY:


    So, based solely on the factual record, all of Bill Walker's
    bullshit, cross posting, flame baiting, CRAP was a result of a message
    originated IN by a Texan, who cross posted TO, in
    a thread that had NOT EXISTED in prior to that
    message, and Bill
    himself, in spite of being responsible for fully 20% of the responses
    to the
    original cross post in a period of only FIVE days, had ALREADY lost
    track of who
    did what to whom.

    That inability to comprehend what was going on, of course, didn't stop
    him from
    INVENTING a "crew" of "reeky cross posters" who "INVADED", in
    spite of the fact that he and his son have, in the absence of ANY
    provocation from ANYONE in, done exactly what he
    accuses regulars of doing.

    Bill's posted at least 872 messages to since that
    first cross post INTO, pissing on everyone he
    into contact with.

    "High Sheriff" = "Huge Shithead."

    Tim Morrow

    ***end quote***

    Instead of swerving, I should have been reloading
    (remove _NO_SPAM_ to reply)

    98 FLTRI
    83 Nighthawk

    Share yourself:
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    Road Glidin' Don, Jan 18, 2005
  17. Calgary

    Cavalry III Guest

    Hi there:
    i have been lurking in rec moto for a long time, and i
    thought it was about time i stopped in here to see what all the fuss was
    i read a bunch of posts, and i notice there are some screwballs in here
    but not anywhere near the amount like what's said in rec moto.
    most of the trouble here seems to come from outside this newsgroup. am I

    now about sunny.
    i've seen pictures of this woman, and let me tell you this.
    if all the women in the world looked like her, we would Not have a
    population problem.

    i said this about some of the canadian women, but i'll say this about
    sunny too.
    she'd have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

    when she walks down the street, beggars who are badly deformed say: "did
    you get a look at that"?

    she's so ugly even toads won't kiss her.

    if ugly were money, she could own saudi arabia.

    am i making myself clear on this?

    even with a bag over her head, you wouldn't screw her, except for

    i have to go now. mom just baked some cupcakes for me, and i''m gonna
    help her put the sprinkle things on them.

    a nobody in texas
    Cavalry III, Jan 18, 2005
  18. Calgary

    Andrew Guest

    That must be why they put the free ISO's up on their site.

    I am in the process of learning *nix flavors right now. It is hard when
    you've been born and raised in the NT world.
    Andrew, Jan 18, 2005
  19. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    I feel your pain! Been there!

    Many moons ago...when FreeBSD was back in the 1.x stages....a guy I was
    working with was having problems going from DOS to UNIX. To make it easier,
    so he could do some work, we wrote in aliases into his login config and so
    when he typed the DOS command, it would give him the UNIX equivalent. That
    helped him get the work done, but he still had to learn the filesystem and
    how it was organized.

    I have problems going from router language to other router language then to
    UNIX and then NT/XP. I'll have to log into a router every now and then and
    think about which language the commands are in. The easiest for me so far
    has been the Juniper because it's run on the base of FreeBSD.
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
  20. Calgary

    Brian Walker Guest

    Who gives a shit? What did that have to do with Canuck Don saying it was an
    incarnation about Sunny posting anonymously?

    I found postings with Sunny's name all over them and "TexasHeat" imprinted
    all over her forehead. That took all of about 16 seconds for a return on the
    search. It's well known. Just because you self-proclaimed bigots in Canada
    can't figure out who someone is, that's not my problem. We don't need Google
    to remember events that happened....we're not that stupid down here in

    So far, you bigot bastards up there can't even do anything more than play
    semantics. The whole bunch of you ass monkeys are complaining about someone
    not having a "life" because they post to the newsgroups. Then you idiots run
    all over Google trying to search and peck for information on every posting

    Go back to hitting (native) pedestrians, Road Plow! You seem better at it
    and it's much more enjoyable for seems.
    Brian Walker, Jan 18, 2005
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