iPhone spying on owners

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Speedgazebo MOTP #1, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Tosspot Guest

    Now that point is well presented. The question I would ask is, "Have I agreed,
    in the T&Cs, to let this data be uploaded?". If the answer is yes, then Steve,
    could, at any time he feels like it, make use of it. Just because he hasn't
    chosen to do it yet doesn't make it illegal if the T&Cs cover it.
    Tosspot, Apr 22, 2011
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  2. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Tosspot Guest

    Why for God's sake. I borrow me mates phone...
    Tosspot, Apr 22, 2011
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  3. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Ben Guest

    I've just had a look at the data mine has recorded.

    Ok, so it does mostly show where I've been, however it's the amalgam
    of 3 years worth of iPhone backups (the data gets carried across) so
    it's shown me as being pretty everywhere in the country.

    It's also grossly inaccurate in a lot of cases because it uses mobile
    cells rather than GPS. In some remote parts of the country the cell
    my phone has appear on is nowhere near where I've been. It seems to
    think I've spent a lot of time in Anglesey, for example, and yet I've
    never been there in my life. I have been to Snowdon quite a bit, so
    my phone has obviously hopped on the network in Anglesey because it's
    the best line of sight.

    It really isn't a big deal that this information is recorded. There
    are plenty of other ways of determining the same information, and in
    real time and in the public domain.
    Ben, Apr 22, 2011
  4. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Ben Guest


    It's already there in the T&Cs

    "Apple and our partners and licensees may collect, use, and share
    precise location data, including the real-time geographic location of
    your Apple computer or device."

    "This location data is collected anonymously in a form that does not
    personally identify you and is used by Apple and our partners and
    licensees to provide and improve location-based products and

    I'll bet Google have something pretty similar in the Android terms
    Ben, Apr 22, 2011
  5. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Tosspot Guest

    Not quite. With Google you can 'opt-out'[1], when opting in then yes, it says
    pretty much that.

    [1] Well, I *believe* you can opt out, and I've not found any funny files I
    didn't know what they were on ine, but I haven't looked that hard.
    Tosspot, Apr 22, 2011
  6. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Thomas Guest

    "Yes, Dear, I know it's late. Well, I was at the pub until it closed,
    then Bob was too drunk to drive, so I gave him a lift. And on the way,
    there was a car with a flat tyre, so we stopped to help. Honestly.
    Why? What do you want with my cell phone?"
    Thomas, Apr 22, 2011
  7. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Beav Guest

    About 2 minutes now that it's known.
    Beav, Apr 22, 2011
  8. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Beav Guest

    Well seeing as all mobile phones have to connect to a network through masts
    and the network provider knows where each mast is and when it was accessed
    (about once every 20 minutes while the phone is switched onI heard), then
    all mobile users locations are known- and have been- since the things first
    became available.

    Can't say I'm happy about some fucker knowing where I am 24 hours a day, but
    there's not a lot I can do about it apart from not having a mobile.
    Beav, Apr 22, 2011
  9. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Cab Guest

    I think I read this in the reg somewhere. It apparently uses mobile phone location methods,
    instead of GPS (apparently) and the data is quite widely inaccurate.

    Cab, Apr 24, 2011
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