Interesting statistics

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Peter Wyzl, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. Peter Wyzl

    Peter Wyzl Guest

    In the year following the NT Gov introducing the speed limit on the Lasseter
    Highway (from unlimited to 110) the death toll, they were proud to tell us,
    dropped by 50% (from 2 to 1).

    In the 3 months since the NT Gov introduced a blanket speed limit (130 max)
    and significantly increased penalties across the board because "our
    statistics are worse than 3rd world countries" they have gone remarkably
    silent. Could that be because the road toll is now sitting at 10 year to
    date compared to last years 4 to date, which is 150% increase? Hmmm.

    Now we have not just speed signs, but bloody ugly great LED things which are
    actually intrusive, and brighter that the traffic lights they are in the
    sight lines of....Who cares wheterh we know to stop or go, as long as we how
    fast to go....

    Bring on the election, so we can replace the morons with... other morons...

    Peter Wyzl, Mar 24, 2007
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  2. Peter Wyzl

    Kevin(Bluey) Guest

    Well I travel to and from Darwin regular ,I have seen the new 130Kph
    signs ,but still stick to my old ways 140 Kph plus, in my car on the
    bike its usually 160-180 Kph
    Funny though I've never seen coppers out enforcing the new limits, they
    seem to hang more in the towns ,pinching drivers for 3 and 4 k over 60
    kph, they don't like to get too far away from the creature comforts of town.
    Kevin(Bluey), Mar 27, 2007
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  3. Peter Wyzl

    Kevin(Bluey) Guest

    Well I travel to and from Darwin regular ,I have seen the new 130Kph
    signs ,but still stick to my old ways 140 Kph plus, in my car on the
    bike its usually 160-180 Kph
    Funny though I've never seen coppers out enforcing the new limits, they
    seem to hang more in the towns ,pinching drivers for 3 and 4 k over 60
    kph, they don't like to get too far away from the creature comforts of town.
    Kevin(Bluey), Mar 27, 2007
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