Interesting article in the NYTimes about a guy who owns and runsa small motorbike repair shop.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by G-S, May 24, 2009.

  1. G-S

    G-S Guest

    G-S, May 24, 2009
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  2. G-S

    Andrew Price Guest

    Even more interesting if you can see a way that your own labour and applied
    intelligence can make a decent quid.

    Knew a guy some time ago that ended up selling photocopiers, on commission,
    and the rates were low and the work dull.

    Until he figured out that all copiers that get used a lot are very high
    maintenance and the best return from his time was in servicing them (never
    ending cash flow) as opposed to selling them which was tedious and always
    under someone else's thumb.

    Its sort of why independent service places for either bikes or cars are
    usually much better to deal with than the manufacturer controlled places.

    Best, Andrew
    Andrew Price, May 24, 2009
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  3. In on Mon, 25 May 2009 05:52:13 +1000
    But you have to pick your clientele.

    THe biggest problem independent places have is that many clients have
    no idea how long it takes to do the job.

    So they go spare when presented with the bill.

    People with older bikes, even older European bikes, are bad like this
    because they figure "it's an old bike, so it must be easy". If it
    is, work on it yourself...

    Running a shop is a long hours, low wage, deal with idiots, sort of

    - who knows 3 independent mechanics and they all sing the same tune
    Zebee Johnstone, May 24, 2009
  4. G-S

    FOG Guest

    Yeah business must be good, there are six pages of this waffle!
    FOG, May 25, 2009
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