Insurance Result...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Dynamic, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. Dynamic

    Dynamic Guest

    Got in from work this afternoon to be greeted by a letter from the
    soliciters on the doormat. As I'm opening it, I'm thinking "what the ****
    now" But it turns out that the other party has admitted liability, and now
    we've just got to settle how much.

    What should I be expecting for the broken wrist side of things, considering
    I didn't miss out on any work because of it?
    Dynamic, Jun 17, 2004
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  2. Dynamic

    Alan Guest

    That depends - was it your wanking wrist?
    Alan, Jun 17, 2004
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  3. Dynamic

    Nigel Eaton Guest

    Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Alan
    "99 - Change! OWWWW!"
    Nigel Eaton, Jun 17, 2004
  4. Dynamic

    Pip Guest

    How broken - was there surgical repair or just a cast? It makes a
    difference, as does if it was your dominant hand.

    Surgical repair to dominant wrist, physio followup, 4-6K.
    Busted non-dominant wrist, cast and forget, 2-3K.

    Don't forget your new lid, leathers, gloves and boots - a grand should
    cover that.
    Pip, Jun 17, 2004
  5. Dynamic

    Ben Guest

    4.5k if you go by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

    Page 46.
    Ben, Jun 17, 2004
  6. Dynamic

    Oldbloke Guest

    Heh, nice one Phil.
    Should be worth at least a few grand I'd have thought

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My Bike 2000 Honda CB500
    M'boy's Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)

    Oldbloke, Jun 17, 2004
  7. Dynamic

    Christofire Guest

    So, what are you buying with it?
    Christofire, Jun 19, 2004
  8. Dynamic

    LadyNina Guest

    His mum a lovely new bike...
    LadyNina, Jun 19, 2004
  9. Dynamic

    Dynamic Guest

    Depends how much I get and when I get it. I doubt money will be coming too
    me anytime soon, so by the time I get it, I may be onto my full licence, so
    either a nice sports 400, or put it away to help me through my first year of
    uni when I go.

    Dynamic, Jun 20, 2004
  10. Dynamic

    Eddie Guest

    Eddie, Jun 21, 2004
  11. Dynamic

    Martian Guest

    Your wrist is a very complex piece of equipment and they are worth a lot .

    My bro was quoted around 10k for his = radius and ulna sheared just
    below the wrist joint the broken ends were parallel to each other and
    had to be pulled apart, re-aligned and set, not to mention a couple of
    carpals or tarsals as well, the surgeon re-broke his wrist to re-set it
    after a week as it wasn't spot on. He will only ever have 90% movement
    and will suffer arthritis in his later years. Even still 10k is bugger
    all for the amount of damage done.
    Martian, Jun 23, 2004
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