Insurance Dilemna

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Mark, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I am changing the bike and my current insurer will not insure me unless I
    get a Cat 1 alarm fitted for around £300. I can change insurers but I will
    effectively lose most of this years no claims as the full year is not up for
    another 8 weeks.

    I am considering buying two months insurance and declaring my current two
    years NCB for the new bike but leaving the current policy running
    concurrently in order to get a third year of NCB so that I can use this in
    eight weeks time when I will take out a 12 month policy.

    The maths is not that much different financially but I don't want to "lose"
    12 months NCB when I am only 8 weeks away from renewal.

    Do your think the insurers will take a dim view of this?

    Mark, Nov 16, 2005
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  2. Mark

    wessie Guest

    Mark emerged from their own little world to say
    If the ins. co. will not sway to the pressure of losing the renewal
    business by removing the alarm condition then delay the purchase for 8
    weeks. Are you likely to use it much this side of Xmas?
    wessie, Nov 16, 2005
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