Injury Update

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by fullstate, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    For anyone that gives a rat's ass.....

    I went and saw my surgeon today. According to my therapist, and after
    the surgeon taking a look at me he said I was progressing better than
    most people and will not be requiring surgery (YEAH!).

    I've now been permitted full weight bearing on both legs and am
    weaning off the crutches, but I have to "teach" my leg how to walk
    properly again.

    Range of motion was only 12-degrees straight, and 115-degrees bent,
    but I'm still working on that. My brace was reset to fully open (0,
    and 120 degrees) and is now more of a support until I get my strength
    back in my leg.

    It's still uncomfortable, and the therapists seem to enjoy torturing
    me but they are telling me I'll be back to normal after a while.
    Hopefully, that means I'll be back on the bike after a few more weeks.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Aug 27, 2004
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  2. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Yeah, I really didn't want them to have to operate. It takes a lot
    longer to heal up that way and it will never be as good.

    They have a pool there, but have no recommended that type of therapy
    for me. My knee must be a little more stable than what happened to
    you since I can bear weight on it without too much difficulty.
    LOL. Yeah, that would suck. You should have a little bit of
    hyperextension in your knee, but not much. Because of my torn MCL my
    knee doesn't want to go straight. They told me that would be the
    hardest thing to work on and it's what kills me the most when they are
    bending and straightening my leg.
    Yeah, they must have some sort of masochistic tendencies in the their
    psyche. I keep expecting to go in there and see them wearing the
    leather masks with the zippers and the gestapo boots saying "Gooht
    morning, and how are vee today?"


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Aug 27, 2004
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  3. fullstate

    ... Kilroy Guest

    Did ya have Knee Replacments? Both?
    ... Kilroy, Aug 27, 2004
  4. fullstate

    fullstate Guest

    Nope! I would probably be in better shape if I had done that. I tore
    three ligaments in my left knee. I also have an avulsion fracture and
    sprain of my right ankle.

    Rather cumbersome and difficult is my path....

    Thanks for asking!


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Aug 29, 2004
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