"Infantile showoffs"

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by Magwhls, May 13, 2004.

  1. Magwhls

    Magwhls Guest

    Point Reyes Light - May 6, 2004

    Showoff's on motorcycles roar up Highway 1 un-cited

    By Dave Mitchell

    At least 200 motorcyclists, as estimated by a sheriff's deputy, roared
    north through West Marin on Highway 1 at midday Saturday .

    Noise caused by the Harley-Davidson tour was so loud that it was
    sometimes difficult to carry on conversations in buildings along the

    Nor was the event trouble free for motorcyclists either. At 1:33 p.m.,
    deputies received word that a motorcyclist had crashed near Nick's
    Cove. Sheriff's deputies had no immediate word on the man's injuries
    but quoted a passerby as saying the biker was "not moving."

    At 2:03 p.m., the Highway Patrol handled a motorcycle crash just north
    of Point Reyes Station. Officers were told two people were on the
    motorcycle, but again the extent of injuries was not immediately
    known. No other vehicle was involved.

    Infantile showoffs

    In a show of bravado, numerous bikers revved their engines as they
    rode down the main street of Point Reyes Station, apparently realizing
    there were far too many bikers for officers to target one offender in

    Point Reyes Station this spring has repeatedly had to endure what many
    residents call "infantile" behavior by out-of-town motorcyclists. The
    worst incident occurred on March 10 when motorcyclist John Kzluzhessi,
    45, of Petaluma rode down the main street at high speed on his rear
    wheel, lost control, hit a curb, and was thrown head-first into a
    street tree.

    Kzluzhessi suffered a dislocated shoulder and severe road rash. His
    motorcycle skidded down the street and hit a car parked in front of
    the Cheda Building.

    Kzluzhessi's performing a "wheelie" where he was putting other
    people's lives at risk angered several witnesses, and as paramedics
    from Point Reyes Station cared for the biker, one town merchant
    grumbled, "I hope he dies."

    While the Highway Patrol and Sheriff's Office acknowledge that some
    Harley owners modify their mufflers to make their motorcycles louder,
    most motorcycle noise results from the bikers traveling in groups,
    officers say.

    Editor's note: A reader in Germany has sent in the address of a
    non-commercial website put up by a Ukrainian motorcyclist. No showoff
    but genuinely hardy, she rode alone through the "dead zone" to
    Chernobyl, taking notes and pictures along the way of empty highways
    and "ghost villages." With a hand-held monitor, she checked radiation
    levels everywhere she went. The nuclear reactor at Chernobyl melted
    down in 1986, and the city will be uninhabitable for 900 years. The
    web address of the young motorcyclist, who writes in reasonably good
    English, is <https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/benoc/mirrors/www.angelfire.com/extreme4/kiddofspe>.
    Magwhls, May 13, 2004
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  2. Immaturity differs somewhat from infantilism, but this is
    perhaps too fine a distinction for a craftsman of such deathless
    I crave a proper attribution for that bit of kindness.

    I'm outta here -- gotta go break some traffic laws.
    Michael Sierchio, May 13, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Magwhls

    notbob Guest

    Cheap talk from a town whose life blood is tourist dollars and probably
    raked in thousands from same said bikers. I was under the impression the
    Lighthouse was a class rag. More like outhouse fodder.

    notbob, May 14, 2004
  4. Magwhls

    Charlie Guest

    A Harley doing a wheelie? Yeah right..

    Charlie, May 20, 2004
  5. Magwhls

    Mark Guest

    Mark, May 20, 2004
  6. Magwhls

    M. MacDonald Guest

    Never been to a Harley drag race eh, Charlie? Why, they even have wheelie
    bars on them H-D's!

    M. MacDonald, May 20, 2004
  7. Magwhls

    cstatman Guest

    yeah, you are probably right, my front wheel has never left the ground.

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, May 21, 2004
  8. Magwhls

    Charlie Guest

    I've been to a Harley drag race.. but that's a Harley in name only at that

    Sort of how Nascar likes to say they still race Chevys, Dodges, and Fords.

    They don't even resemble the cars you see in the showrooms.
    Charlie, May 22, 2004
  9. Magwhls

    Dave Slavik Guest

    You need to take a ride with Herr Statman and his Sportster ;)
    Dave Slavik, May 23, 2004
  10. Magwhls

    Mas Rapido! Guest

    My Letter to the "editor" in response to the Infantile rant posing as a news
    In response to the article recently printed by the Point Reyes Lighthouse
    titled "Showoff's on motorcycles roar up Highway 1 un-cited".

    It seems as though the Point Reyes Lighthouse never misses an opportunity to
    use a "news story" to make an editorial comment on the character of
    motorcyclists. It also never misses an opportunity to portray all
    motorcyclists, particularly the ones who ride in western Marin County as
    social misfits or as the recent article suggests "Infantile Showoffs".

    Perhaps the staff of the Point Reyes Lighthouse needs to take some diversity
    training in order to mitigate their propensity for extreme prejudice against
    those "from out of town" who ride motorcycles in Marin County.

    But then again it is unlikely that the Lighthouse will stop pandering to the
    residents of West Marin, most of whom who hail from such "un-local" places
    as New York, Massachusetts and other un-California locations.
    It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Point Reyes Merchant who "grumbled,
    "I hope he dies."" in regards to the injured rider, is actually a fictional
    character who just echoes the sentiments of the Lighthouse.

    Jim Stinnett
    San Francisco
    Mas Rapido!, May 23, 2004
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