In the zone.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by TMack, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. TMack

    TMack Guest

    Doesn't it feel good when everything just flows? It was my ordinary
    commute to work today. I left a bit late, got 500 yards down the road and
    realised that I had forgotten to put the wheelie bin out for
    refuse collection. Now, leaving again even later, I realised that fuel
    was low - another 5 mins gone while I filled up. On a normal day I would
    have been at least 10 minutes BUT this wasn't a normal day.
    The traffic flowed freely all the way, the gaps appeared exactly where and
    when I needed them, and I just breezed through everything. After an
    exhilarating 30 mile ride I actually arrived nearly 10 minutes earlier
    than usual, having probably achieved close to a personal best for the
    journey despite it being a Monday morning.

    Bikes - usually good, sometimes wonderful!
    TMack, Jan 24, 2011
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  2. TMack

    SIRPip Guest

    Lovely when it works like that - the heightened awareness due to being
    on a mission sometimes helps.
    Spring must be just around the corner.
    SIRPip, Jan 24, 2011
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  3. I drove round the M25 to Sidcup from Sth Mymms this morning, hardly a
    car on the road, I seriously wondered if it was Sunday.
    Speedgazebo MOTP #1, Jan 24, 2011
  4. TMack

    Steve Guest

    The fuckers were all on the M4 , queuing in what used to be a nice
    empty bus lane......
    Steve, Jan 24, 2011
  5. TMack

    Lozzo Guest

    I got stuck on the A1M southbound at Stevenage for two hours, because
    that's where all the fucking cars that should have been on the M25 were.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jan 24, 2011
  6. TMack

    Cab Guest

    Must be. The sky was grey when I left work yesterday, five minutes before it
    went black.
    Cab, Jan 25, 2011
  7. Stevenage for two hours? You must need counselling.
    Speedgazebo MOTP #1, Jan 25, 2011
  8. TMack

    Lozzo Guest

    Not the town itself, stuck between the two junctions of the A1M for
    some stupid reason that I haven't found out.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jan 25, 2011
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