In the news...

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, May 2, 2007.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I've been watching the news for the past several hours. You'd think
    with the events of today (the political rhetoric bullshit) the news
    would be full of vetoes and political flexing.


    Today, it's been more of the illegal aliens going to the streets in
    demonstrations against our immigration policies and laws.

    First, let me start off saying that this DOES NOT HAPPEN in Mexico. A
    non-citizen who goes to a demonstration WILL be going to jail. Period.
    Got that!

    The fact they were able to participate in the first place shows their
    complete disregard for this country. For them to wrap themselves in a
    flag and wear it as a bandana is something else that doesn't happen in
    Mexico. Now they're crying about how we need to be humane? Excuse me?

    Now I'm looking at a big debate about some so called "w" word and how
    it's SO offensive to Mexicans. I had to stop and think about what they
    were talking about. Then it was said...."Wetbacks". Huh? They're
    offended? I stopped in a Mexican restaurant today and remembered the
    menu while this news program was on. I was listening to these guys
    whine and cry about being called "Wetbacks" and how offensive it was.
    I remembered that menu....complete with a section called "Gringo".
    Whew! I'm offended now! When was the last time anyone can remember
    being in a burger joint and seeing a section called "Wetback" section
    that had enchiladas and burritos? Who's offending who?

    When I was in Mexico, I can't recall how many times I was called
    "Gringo". No one called me "United States citizen" or "Anglo-
    American". WTF?

    I guess the next time I'm in Mexico and they call me a "Gringo", I'll
    take to the streets, wrap a Mexican flag around my head and scream on
    television about how inhumane the Mexicans are. Wonder what the
    outcome might be?
    Brian Walker, May 2, 2007
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