In retrospect, the car may have been more comfortable...

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Sir Lex, Jul 23, 2007.

  1. Sir Lex

    Sir Lex Guest

    You know you shouldn't have ridden when...

    *You average 70km/h on a country road due to thick fog
    *You have to stop every few minutes to let past the queue of cars
    behind, and to warm your hands up on your motor
    *While stopped you have to brush ice off your clothes, gloves and handle

    Ahh winter in the Canberra region, frostbite fresh.
    Sir Lex, Jul 23, 2007
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  2. Sir Lex

    Tex Guest

    Aint it great? Then there's the black ice. That's really fun.
    Tex, Jul 23, 2007
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  3. Sir Lex

    a t e c 7 7 Guest

    I have hit that a few times over seas , parked a Simpca through some
    blokes fence at 5 am
    a t e c 7 7, Jul 23, 2007
  4. Sir Lex

    gavinator Guest

    i've never hit black ice and will hopefully never will living in
    central west NSW, but just in it possible for a rider to
    combat it if cars have little chance?
    gavinator, Jul 23, 2007
  5. Sir Lex

    CrazyCam Guest

    gavinator wrote:


    CrazyCam, Jul 23, 2007
  6. Very little or none at all I would say. Not that I have had any experience
    with it. There "may" be some signs you can look for and I am sure one of the
    other posters will set you straight.

    I am just a little amused with the coincidence of the previous post's
    title,,,, "Icicle Ride"
    Neverheardofhim, Jul 23, 2007
  7. Sir Lex

    a t e c 7 7 Guest

    Pray ?
    a t e c 7 7, Jul 24, 2007
  8. Sir Lex

    Luke Guest

    While there are signs for black ice, by the time you see them, it is too
    late, unless you are going slow
    but then, who goes slow?
    Luke, Jul 24, 2007
  9. Sir Lex

    John Dwyer Guest

    Fit heated grips. Oxfords can be had for less than $150. Takes about an
    hour to fit, even when you have not done the job previously.

    John Dwyer
    John Dwyer, Jul 24, 2007
  10. Sir Lex

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    If you'd fitted them previously, then you wouldn't need to.

    Theo Bekkers, Jul 24, 2007
  11. I went and got my licence on Thursday and rode into town to have lunch with
    friends. After lunch it started pissing rain and I had to get home. I had a
    leather jacket, jeans and boots on. What a miserable experience. I knew I had
    truly hit rock bottom when I felt the water had got through everything and my
    balls were wet. Horrible. Every time I hit the brakes I could feel water
    sloshing forward in my boots.

    Fraser Johnston, Jul 24, 2007
  12. Sir Lex

    linhothh Guest

    Just don't attempt to brake, accelerate, turn or lean & carry a change of
    linhothh, Jul 24, 2007
  13. Sir Lex

    Theo Bekkers Guest

    When it's raining and you haven't got your Dririder pants with you, best
    thing to do is to to not tuck your jeans into your boots. Your feet will be
    When your boots dry give them a decent coat of Dubbin. Alternatively, warm
    up a tin of boot polish until it's runny, then rub it into the boots with a
    rag. Don't burn your fingers.
    Wet weather pants stop that 'rock-bottom' feeling, don't leave home without
    them. That's why I have a top-box.

    Theo Bekkers, Jul 24, 2007
  14. In on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 15:03:49 +0800
    Unless you know any neurotic Rottweilers.

    yes, I know one that gets quite upset about dubbin....

    Zebee Johnstone, Jul 24, 2007
  15. I'm definitely buying a one piece rain suit this week. And some proper
    waterproof boots.

    Fraser Johnston, Jul 24, 2007
  16. Sir Lex

    bikerbetty Guest

    I had a one piece rainsuit. Bloody thing nearly strangled me and was an
    exercise in contortionism to get in and out of - got rid of it and bought a
    2 piece. The jacket's quite long and I've had no problems with water getting
    into the pants.

    bikerbetty, Jul 24, 2007
  17. Sir Lex

    SmeeMW Guest

    You can stop to have a pee once in a while Betty.
    *runs and hides*
    SmeeMW, Jul 24, 2007
  18. I went and got my licence on Thursday and rode into town to have lunch
    You guys need to think a bit more laterally here.... I have 5 years of
    travelling by bike in different countries around the world, and one year in
    the coastguard. Last year i was a motorbike courier in sydney. you have to
    ride in all conditions, 10 hours a day no matter what the weather is. on
    the bike, off the bike, all day. no wet weather gear works; you are going
    to get wet. solution? I started wearing a wetsuit under jeans and a shirt
    (the clothes did nothing except prevent me looking like a scuba diver) on
    rainy days. I also wore dive booties rather than shoes.

    Net result? Pure comfort. no matter how wet and cold it got, that wetsuit
    kept me warm and comfortable. didnt matter what size of puddle i had to
    ride through; I could wear it all with a smile. Since that time, I carry a
    small rollup wetsuit in my gear instead of rain gear. Id rather not ride in
    the rain, but if i have to ride, i know i cant keep the water out. better
    to put on the wetsuit and be warm and comfortable.

    Shaun Van Poecke, Jul 24, 2007
  19. Sir Lex

    a t e c 7 7 Guest

    How did you acomodate toilet ?
    added zipper ? and flap ?
    a t e c 7 7, Jul 24, 2007
  20. Sir Lex

    CrazyCam Guest

    Shaun Van Poecke wrote:

    Which flotilla?

    CrazyCam (NF3)
    CrazyCam, Jul 24, 2007
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