Impressions Made

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    E-Mails, telephone calls, etc. are indicating that our recent invasion of
    Mexico, was undoubtedly a smashing success.. Corinna expressed her
    admiration for the petite blond lady, who captured her admiration and
    friendship.. Sergio declares that everyone in the group are decidedly
    Caballeros (gentlemen) in their own right.. Hugo and Yvonne sends regards
    and invitations to the two Gringoes who were guests in their home.. The
    gracious and extravagant host in Tequila, also sends his regards and
    appreciation for the guests who he entertained so lavishly.. in that small
    town.. Lupe has commented about the courteous and politeness of her guests
    in her home.. While my good friend Don Manuel.. the elderly gentleman who is
    the across the street neighbor has commented about the very good behavior of
    the Americans who conducted themselves admirably for that week of visiting..

    Yuristzi, the lovely niece who will be married soon, has sent invitations
    for all to come back, to attend her wedding.. hmmm.. the groom isn't quite
    so enthusiastic, but that could be understandable.. lol..

    The lady in Palmillas sends her regards and regrets that we did not stop in
    her very small village by the sea, so that she'd experience the cordial
    friendship which she heard so much about.. The brother in law of the brother
    in law, who lives in yet another small town near Mazatlan.. Esquinapas, also
    sends his regards and regret for missing us.. Seems like the disappointment
    suffered by his mother, concerns him..

    Haven't heard from El Negrine or Mauricio, but our other Biker friend and
    the personal physician, regrets they didn't have the opportunity to ride
    more with us.. Seems that our physician friend was on duty call in four of
    the hospitals while we were there.. None the less.. he was properly
    impressed by our group and all the motorcycles he saw..

    Even the sister in law in California has been thoroughly briefed about our
    visit to her country, family and friends.. hmmmm... Maybe we are all
    International Celebrities, by this time..

    Anyway, these are just a few of the reactions to our "invasion" of Mexico,
    in March.. There are many more, and the invitations for us to return, are
    unanimous.. I'll definitely be making the return trip in July.. The
    beautiful child that I've watched become a gorgeous young woman is making
    that final journey into womanhood, which we all wish for our daughters and
    loved ones..

    Congratulations again.. to that group of fine friends who participated in
    that ride with me.. Brothers and Sisters.. one and all.. Regards

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 1, 2006
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